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Ninja Tools+ (RAM) 1.6

Reforge your tools into ninja tools!

  1. 1.6

    -changed the ninja grappling hooks so that they felt unique enough.
    -added one more ninja grappling hook that combines the two but costs a lot of essence to convert to.
    -minor tweaks
  2. v1.5 fix

    -I left out a recipe on the last update! Got it in now.
  3. v1.5 Restructure and additional content

    Big changes:
    -Converts most throwables into ninja versions that has some poison element and can now be retrieved.
    -Costs to convert have been changed to the item and 10 essence
    -You can now reforge old ninja mining equipment for an additional 1 essence
  4. V1.4

    Added 12 ninja mining tools.
  5. V1.3

    Added one more ninja tool and an upgraded version of a previous ninja tool! They're the NInja Bomb and the Ninja Relocator Triple respectively. Descriptions of both are already on the front page.

    I've also fine tuned different things a little. Graphically, I've removed the bright effect from the ninja relocators and I changed the Ninja Rope a little. I also changed the recipes a little to make them more ninja! ...I made most of them require ninja rope instead of regular rope.

    Stay ninja!
  6. V1.2

    Added the Ninja Relocator! Stats have been added to the front page. It's basically two regular relocators tied together and painted black. Very ninja!

    "Too ninja!" -a real ninja.

    Edit: I also tweaked the ninja grappling hook to behave a bit more ninja.
  7. V1.1

    -Changing the name to "Ninja Tools+ (RAM)" and increasing the scope of the mod slightly to include other tools.
    -Added a Ninja Bug Net. It has a strong knockback effect, is one handed, can be aimed in any direction and inflicts poison.
    -Added a new crafting station called the "Ninja Anvil" for updating your tools in. It's available at the Infinity Express. There's only the three recipes for it so far. I removed the earlier recipes and added new ones to conform to the new crafting station. I...