NPC Mechs v. 1.04
Ever wished your crew could hop in their own mech and help cause mayhem...
on planets?
in space?
Now you can!
Just have crew ready to beam down with you, and press the "Deploy Mech" button
With version 1.04, you can now setup your crew to your liking
- Compatible With -
Mech Mods: Frackin Universe, Mech Overhaul, XS Mechs Modular, Vanilla
Crew Mods: crew size mods will work - all others untested
-- Potential Issues --
Using a teleporter and beaming to the same world with an NPC Mech active *might* crash to ship/title - npc uses a unique ID, trying to spawn another with same ID is bad
Custom species NPCs may not have Crew Uniform data, and be 'naked'
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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NPC Mechs 1.04
Now your crew have their own mech - in space or on planets