A whole bunch of texture/sprite edits wrapped up nicely in a little package.
Essentially, this mod's aim is to make the game look a little bit more consistent with itself.
In other words, better.
I like to think the main meat of this mod is the furniture resprites. There's quite a few. By a few, I mean a lot.
Notably, it "unifies" palettes for copper, silver, gold and durasteel, so anything that's "copper" will use one "copper palette", instead of some random orange pulled out of some artist's back pocket.
Same thing with the gold. I didn't even count how many gold palettes there were. But it's more than 1, which is too many.
This mod also includes quite a few armor changes, mainly Fullbright Shader support, making some helmets' visors translucent, and also decreasing the size of some helmets.
Credits to Hologer and ShyDispatch for their original helmet-modifying mods.
Perhaps I should also mention it also "removes" all gradients from all vanilla menus. Character creation, rarity outlines, checkboxes, etc.
It will load before all other mods aside from Starbound Patch Project, so if another mod changes things up in a big way, that will override this mod's changes.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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nuggubs' Vanilla Texture Tweak Pack 0.7
Just makes the game look better.