Hated the Erchius Mining Facility quest gating your space exploration? Wanting to skip that part while still progressing through the rest of the main storyline?
This mod is for you.
This mod aims to remove the hassle of doing introductory Erchius Horror quest without affecting the rest of the main storyline (so you still have to do racial scans and defeat the Ruin). These are the features:
The Erchius quest has been made as a side-quest, which means you can progress through the main story without ever touching that quest!
- Start with repaired ship right off the bat
(you can travel to other systems immediately as long as you have fuel);
- Teleport directly to Outpost after booting up your ship;
- No longer need to collect 20 Core Fragments to repair the Ancient Gate;
- Shops in the Outpost (including mechs!) are unlocked right off the bat as if you have completed the Erchius Facility quest;
- No longer need to do the Outpost scanning, just talk right to Esther;
- Truly optional Erchius Mining Facility quest! Jump straight to artifacts collection quests.
You need to play with new character.
Compatible with Frackin' Universe (FU)?
YES! Right off the bat!
This mod will not only makes the Erchius quest optional, but also make the Vinalisj introduction quest in FU (the one where you have to make crafting tables) COMPLETELY OPTIONAL!
You can tell that white alien guy to shut up and go straight to the cavern!
How to install mods?
(in case you didn't know)
- Open your Starbound folder:
[Steam directory]\SteamApps\common\Starbound
If you've installed Starbound via GOG Galaxy:
[Galaxy directory]\Games\Starbound
- Open the folder named mods.
- Now open the downloaded OptionalErchius.zip file and extract the OptionalErchius folder inside the zip into the mods folder.
Alternative Steam download:
Works great with:
LowClueHunt-20: makes the scanning quest less tedious - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=751952122
If you want to make all the story optional, use:
Optional Story (not compatible with this mod): http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/optional-story.4451/
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Optional Erchius Mining Facility/Vinalisj Quest 1.4 (FU Compatible)
Hated the Erchius quest gating your space exploration, but still wanting to do it some other day?
Recent Updates
- Skip the Vinalisj intro quest (for FU users) Mar 4, 2021
- Truly optional Erchius quest (now as side-quest) Mar 1, 2021
- Very small, OCD fix Jul 31, 2017