ALTERNATE DOWNLOAD PAGE (Lists all versions):
Hats - Vanity - Decor - Weapons - Tiles - And More!
The point of ZimaZang's Miscellaneous Mod is that, well, there is no point. This mod is a collection of things that I've decided to add into the game. These items include hats, staves, a music player, and a few other small things.
Currently accepting suggestions for hats! I want to try to add at least 3 new hats per update! However, I cannot make 100% guarantees whether or not your suggestion will make it in, as I'm not exactly the best pixel artist.
- Navigate to your Starbound/mods directory.
- Remove any previous versions of the mod.
- Extract the folder from the .zip file into your Starbound/mods directory.
- Enjoy!
Go to a crafting table and craft the "ZimaZang's Workbench". From here, you can craft items such as the "ABC Panel Printer" to print letter panels for labeling, the "Research Table" to research legendary staff blueprints, a "Staff Station" to make special weapons added by the game, a "Vanity Station" to make tons of neat hats and back items, or an "On-Board Music Player" to play songs from the game's music folder for when you're aboard your ship!
- When using the music player between 2 or more people, each person will hear a different song being played.
Firstly, the Research Table is still a WIP item, so don't expect all too much out of it just yet. The Research Table is an item that will be used to craft the mod's legendary staves. In order to craft the blueprint for a legendary staff, you must obtain 2 items; an Ancient File, and a Magnifier. Higher tiered magnifiers are unlocked as you progress, in order to balance the obtaining of very powerful staves. As for Ancient Files, you can find those in chests scattered around the universe. As of current, it might not be possible to find Ancient Files in chests outside of Tier 3, so keep that in mind when looking for them.
- Hats! Hats galore!
- More legendary staves, and small expansions to the Research Table.
- (Hopefully) Allow song selection on music station.
- Merchant Ships (Maybe, I haven't done much experimentation with planet or structure generation).
- Tech
- Armors
- Tools
- Staff re-balancing (Fix cooldowns, balance damage, ect.)
- Add more variants to the randomly generated weapons. Possibly even different variants per tier.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated [Outdated] ZimaZang's Miscellaneous Mod R1.6.1
Hats - Vanity - Decor - Weapons - Tiles - And More!
Recent Updates
- zMisc R1.6.1 (Bugfix/Asset updates/Balance tweaks) Mar 19, 2014
- zMisc R1.6 Mar 17, 2014
- zMisc R1.5 Feb 20, 2014