Outpost Lag Reduction v. Glad Giraffe stable
'Cause who loves lag?
Now included in CLeF v39 You DO NOT need to download this if you have v39+
-- Thanks MrChow
Thanks also to Kayuko for the Protection-be-gone mod, helps me find more lag culprits
A collection of patches intended to reduce the fps drop in the outpost.
Go run around the outpost, play a game or 2 of mazebound before you install this mod.
Then do the same after.***
Installing: (if this is your first mod)
Hopefully you know how to read a flowchart...
right click this link and open in new tab
thanks to xxswatelitexx
much easier than me trying to explain heh
What is changed: Warning! Giant wall o' text!
Code:Legend: changed item - technical details - what it means in english ;)
scriptDelta changes
All outpost NPCs (23 npcs changed)
- scriptDelta increased from 5 to 30
- 'thinking' rate decreased from 12/sec to 2/sec (how often they check if they should do something)
-- 23 npcs used to check 12 times per sec = 276, now only 46 times !
removed v 0.93 due to changes to npcs
Proximity Scanner (26 in main outpost)
- scriptDelta increased from 5 to 30
- now only checks for a nearby player/npc 2 times per sec instead of 12 times
-- 26 scanners checking @ 12 = 312 times per sec, down to 52
object animation rate changes
- worst offenders were the sign shop, and all the proximity scanners
Custom Sign Shop (35 frames) x1
- animationCycle changed from 2.2 to 4.9
-- 223% slowdown, from 15.9 updates per sec to [ups] 7.1 ups
Proximity Scanner (16 frames) x26
- animationCycle changed from 1.6 to 3.2
-- 200% slowdown, from 10 ups to 5 ups
Terramart (32 frames) x1
- animationCycle changed from 3.2 to 4.8
-- 150% slowdown, from 10 ups to 6.66ups
Large Monitor ( 3 frames) x 3
- cycle changed from 0.3 to 0.9
-- 300% slowdown, from 10 ups to 3.33 ups
Small Monitor (3 frames) x1
- cycle changed from 0.3 to 0.75
-- 250% slowdown, from 10 ups to 4 ups
Generator (3 frames) x4
- animationCycle changed from 0.2 to 0.6
-- 300% slowdown, from 15 ups to 5 ups
PenguinBay (flag = 4 frames, merchant unchanged) x1
- cycle changed from 0.5 to 1.0
-- 200% slowdown, from 8 ups to 4 ups
more details soon™
Testing Procedure: (tl;dr - but has pics)
To test this and find the major cpu cycle eaters, I played many, many, many rounds of Mazebound
Before this I was lucky to get little more than a slideshow (estimated 8 fps)
Afterwards found it to be very playable, with fps around 20.
The Control Setup:
Basic ship (no ftl) parked at gateworld, with mazebound machine.
(visual mods used are Hamty's Human Ship and my Ship Backgrounds)
What does /debug say? (Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!)
They say "A picture is worth a thousand words."[citation needed]
So for these pics, zoom level is 2x, both admin and debug modes are on
I have mazebound open, standing near middle of starting room, looking out window to the exit
fps values are rounded up to nearest tenth
Control ship:![]()
19.4~ render fps
Default SB:![]()
11.6~ render fps
With Mod:![]()
16.0~ render fps
I recommend turning off the 3 large and 1 small monitors for even more fps.
Version History:
0.90 -- initial release
0.91 -- bugfix - 2 stop teleshop - thanks KazanaAoi for reporting
0.911 - change 6 small png files, removes all Proximity Scanners and associated wires from Outpost doors
Edit 1jun15: Discovered my math was off.. was overstating how much the scriptDelta changes... 60/5 = 12, not 20 derp.
***DISCLAIMER: Author not responsible for resulting cranial explosions.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outpost Lag Reduction 0.93
"But I love the lag in the outpost!" said no-one ever. -- Glad Giraffe
Recent Updates
- Pleased Giraffe Update Aug 26, 2015
- A few more things Jun 18, 2015
- retrying upload of 0.911 Jun 10, 2015