Hello. I'm new to the community and... well I have one goal.
To completely recolor Stardew Valley to be a pastel bubblegum palette. Idk about you but lovely as the default color scheme is it can sometimes hurt my eyes especially at night.
The Rar file in the download contains the four xnb files required to change the vanilla beach into a lovely pink and blue as well as one png of the fall variant. The water is not edited as the blue of the ocean fits my personal likes plenty. However, using the xnb_node to unpack them and then editing them is welcome.
Here's the image of the fall beach.
How to use them:
1. Unarchive the files to your computer.
2. If you haven't created a backup folder containing your Stardew Valley content folder in case you wanna go back to the vanilla tileset
3. Go into your content folder and copy these TO MAPS.
Do not place them in the content folder.
(And again, you will want a backup folder full of your game's info)
And then you can just start your game!
I hope you like my recolor!
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Pastel (bubblegum) Beach recolor 2017-02-25
A pastel pink and blue recolor of the beach