The mod you know and love returns!
Pirates! Plunderers! Penguins! Penguin Piracy is a mod that greatly expands upon one of Starbound's most infamous races: The penguins. A crafty, yet extremely intelligent race of flightless birds. Don't be fooled by their cute appearance. These cheeky rogues are big fans of mischief! They often deal in blackmarket goods, shady business practices, and space piracy! This mod doubles as a race mod: when paired with the various penguin addons, you can play as a penguin! (A race extender is required for the penguin races in this mod to be playable)
What's new?
- Robopenguins now have fully humanoid sprites and more customization
- Racial Mechs
- Redone racial stats
- Slightly edited lore! Entire races don't go to war, after all, just factions.
What's gone?
- Weapon Roulette- The penguin weapons you could get are now found as random weapons in the wild.
What's upcoming?
- More custom dialogue
- More custom clothing
- Penguin Dungeons
- Penguin Space Encounters
When can we expect this new stuff?
When I'm done with a Lore Rewrite I'm working on!
Somethings broken!
Submit an error report with a pastebin link to your .log!
Can I make an edit or patch to this?
Ask me first!
- Unzip the file somewhere that won't touch the game
- Go to /THE MODS/MAIN MODS/penguinpiracyreborn.pak
- Move or copy the .pak file to your mods folder
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Penguin Piracy Reborn 1.2
The lawless birds you know are back!