another species mod i made in 2021 and just never finished, might as well release it too. i swear this is the only other one i had, ill release a better more finised race mod soon
adds piantas from super mario sunshine (originally i was planning nokis too but never figured out how to), non-humanoid but they have the same hitboxes as humanoid species
comes with some converse dialogues (from vanilla species to piantas) and some armors
i never finished the ship, and so its mostly the hylotl ship, but the t3 ship is entirely a custom structure based on one of the npc ships. you can probably just decimate it if you want and replace it with something else. if the ship is broken for new characters then i apologize, i think you should be able to just replace it with the hylotl t3 ship backup in the ship folder??
reuses the glitch sail, has no inspect dialogue, basically everything is a placeholder but you can definitely play as a pianta i suppose
i dont think i ever added the recipes for any armors so heres their ids for /spawnitem
emptyheadsms, piantabandithat1, piantahathead, piantastrawhathead, piantasailorhathead, piantashinecaphead, piantabellboyhathead, piantabackwardscaphead
emptychestpianta, emptychestsms, piantadresschest, piantaleafvestchest, piantalongsleevechest, piantashortsleevechest, piantasuitchest, piantasleevelesschest
emptylegssms, piantadyeableskirtlegs, piantashoes
if you want to take over the development on my abandoned race mods then go ahead and just ask me!
piantas, mario as a whole belong to nintendo, im not affiliated with nintendo and this is a fan project
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Pianta Species Thing placeholder city
Also probably not updating but why not?