A mod by Boogy
Updates and Fixes by debugman18, mastercookie and teihoo
Uploaded to Chucklefish Forums because it was not available here.
Also download "Fixel Goods Store", which fixes some major bugs in this mod.
This mod adds over 300 new items of various item types. Lights, fridges, safes, tables, beds. Includes potted Frackin' Universe plants as well as boss-themed furniture. The regular Pixel Goods Store is at Terramart. After buying or obtaining the large version, the recipe for the Mini Pixel Goods Store will be unlocked and can be crafted at the Inventor's Table. Use them to purchase the objects of your choice.
Want to add your own new furniture to the Pixel Goods Store? Simply make a new mod, set this mod as an requirement, and add your furniture to be buyable at "okeashop" under one or more of these categories: "okeaapex", "okeachairs", "okeaarmchairs", "okeasofas", "okeaavian", "okeabeds", "okeatables", "okealamps", "okeafloran", "okeadrawers", "okeacupboards", "okeabathroom", "okeaglitch", "okeaentertainment", "okeamachines", "okeakitchen", "okeahuman", "okeawindows", "okeadecorations", "okeastorage", "okeahylotl", "okeadoors", "okeawallpapers", "okeagarden".
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Pixel Goods Store Chucklefish Forums
300 new furniture items
Recent Updates
- Reversed to previous version Feb 1, 2018
- Paintgun mod support Dec 29, 2017