Pokemon Outfits Gen 1
Craft a Pokemon Station Gen 1 crafter at Skittle's Mega Crafter https://community.playstarbound.com/resources/skittles-mega-crafter.5648/ for 300 pixels. You can craft all clothing items there.
Includes ALL 151 Gen 1 Pokemon
Some of these outfits do not animate and are more for display purposes (you can wear em if you want to).
Some of these outfits are "cursed". You have been warned.
I have no intention for the other gens as this mod took me 7 months to finish... with a month or so hiatus in between... weeeeeeeew.
If you have any suggestions, comments or critiques I would love to hear from you.
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Chucklefish Games Profile
Nexusmods Profile
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Pokemon Outfits Gen 1 0.1
Gotta craft em all!