Racially Appropriate Ship Backgrounds
Better default backgrounds for your ship, based on race.
Now not every vanilla race uses the same background on their ships.
No need to make a new character, automatically activates on your next ship upgrade.
Will only change background "Wall Panel", "Support Block", and "Metal object" blocks.
Any painted areas will remain painted.
Note: I'm not sure how to change a fully upgraded T8 ship... yet. :/
I recommend these mods as they work very well visually:
Hanty's Human ship mod: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/space-hamsters-express.2508/
Jack Jasra's Novakid ship: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/jack-jasras-black-novakid-ship.2472/
Apex: Uses the normal background - I did not change this in mod
Floran: (Hive Block has changed in Glad Giraffe)
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Racially Appropriate Ship Backgrounds 1.02 for 1.3
Better default backgrounds for your ship, based on race. - Cheerful Giraffe Compatible
Recent Updates
- 1.3 update Jun 11, 2017
- Floran Fix + 1.0 release Jul 22, 2016
- Novakid material spelling fix Jul 7, 2016