Recipe Reorganization - Sandstone Furniture Recipes - Tiered Alloy Recipe Changes
I decided to make this mod after seeing just how over-crowded the UIs for the Wooden Crafting Table, Iron Crafting Table and Robotic Crafting Table get as your progress through the game. Several recipes which logically belong in the Iron Anvil, Metalwork Station, and Replicator were being crafted in the aforementioned crafting stations. Since Chucklefish decided to tier these recipes, I did so as well.
For example, it moves the following recipes from the Wooden Crafting Table to the Iron Anvil:
- Copper Box
- Copper Ceiling Light
- Copper Fence
- Copper Gear Block
- Copper Oil Lantern
- Copper Platform
- Copper Roofing
- Copper Support
- Copper Wall Shelf
- Copper Window
- Heavy Pipe
- Iron Bed
- Iron Chair
- Iron Door
- Iron Lantern
- Iron Lever
- Iron Table
It also does the same for several other blocks and objects made with Silver, Gold, Steel, Titanium and Durasteel.
In addition to the aforementioned sorting, I also decided to add a bit more significance to the mod by adding recipes for the Sandstone Brick block and Sandstone set of objects, and ways to obtain said recipes. Like other "themed" furniture, you can find the recipes randomly in chests on appropriate planet - on Deserts in this case. Sandstone Brick is already automatically learned on pick-up of Sandstone. All of the recipes are the same as in Spirited Giraffe - Sandstone Brick is the necessary material, along with Leather for the bed and a Torch for the torch.
And there is one more feature which I felt needed inclusion in this mod: alloy smelting recipes. In vanilla, Steel was changed to require Iron and Copper, Durasteel was changed to require Titanium and Silver, and Impervium, etc. were changed to require Violium, etc. and Gold. I really didn't like the change, so I made my own recipes:
For now, that is all I plan to do with this mod. However, I may end up adding additional recipes if I find any that I disagree with.
- Steel Bars are now crafted with one Iron Bar and two Coal Ore
- Durasteel Bars are now crafted with one Titanium Bar, one Steel Bar, and one Coal Ore (Two Durasteel Bars are produced per recipe)
- Impervium/Ferozium/Cerulium Compounds are now crafted with Refined Violium/Aegisalt/Rubium, three Core Fragment Ore, and one Metal-Coated Wood (from Rust mini-biomes on Volcanic and Dead worlds - two Compounds are produced per recipe)
Installation is simple - Like any other mod, drag the mod folder into your \starbound\giraffe_storage\mods\ folder such that the modinfo file for this mod is found in \starbound\giraffe_storage\mods\*mod folder*\*mod name*.modinfo
Installing mods is extremely easy. Just pay attention to the above line and you'll install a mod correctly every time.
Thanks to @SilverLancer for being a springboard for recipe ideas!
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- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
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- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Recipe Reorganization 1.1 (PG)
Shifts around, adds and edits recipes for logics sake.