*Sticks close to the original game
*Playtested/Updated Periodically
*.pak Everything and Optimized with pingo
*Permissions granted by authors
*Feedback backed changes
Source: Art by
*Start a new character to avoid issues
Another Character Creation Menu 1.4 - Motionless
Better Crew and NPC Behavior 1.4.1 - rl.starbound
Community Hairstyles Pack 1.5 - Thundeki
Crew Customization + - FelmastProMcLane
Diverse Weather + Optimized 10/4/18+15/8/23 - gay moth aunt, Nyanax
Enhanced Storage 6.0.4 - NeoVanAlemania
Even MORE Optimized Optimizebound! 1.2/+1/4/23 - OzonSF and crockan
Extra Zoom Levels + Adaption 1.0.5 - Patchumz, Mooncalf99
Fix 'Protect NPC' quest 1.0.1 - DarkRainX
Hunting+ Wildfire 2.3.15 - EclipticWulf
Immersive Scenery 3.2 - amirmiked12
Improved Damage Particles 24/12/23 - Sumenora
Improved Swim Physics! 31/01/24 - LittleVulpine, Silver Sokolova
Manufacturer's Touch 1.2.16 - Kitikira
Monsters Unique Sounds 1.2 - SentientSupper and xaliber
Monster Part Mod Pack 1.8 - apinanaivot
Perennial Crops 1.7 - Toyi85
Pixel Goods Store + Fixel 2.4+13/3/18 - Boogy, debugman18, mastercookie, teihoo, Kais
Project Redemption 9.3 - Armok
Starbound Patch Project 1.5.5 - jss2a98aj
Tile Ground Effects 1.2 - Storm_UK
Upgraded Upgrades 1.4 - Kais
The Universal Uncrafter 1.46 - Wellbott
Vanilla World Variety. 8/4/23 - JC Bent'em
*Chucklefish for making Starbound moddable
*All the mod authors and all the people who gave us Feedback
All Mods:
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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S3r1ous Mods 125
Compatible with the latest version. Easy to use. Stable. Periodic Updates.