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S3r1ous Mods 125

Compatible with the latest version. Easy to use. Stable. Periodic Updates.

  1. Balystik
    Version: 100
    Hey man, I have a bunch of mods that may fit into the modpack (I've installed them with this modpack and they work nice togueter) and are updated to Glad Giraffe version. Lazarus dungeons add more quests to the ship, Peculiar Planets is also a very good one, and PBR is a new promissing one compatible but maybe needs some balance. Just some suggestions of course, maybe the problem is to get the actual permission from the mod author. Good work btw.
  2. MajhorG1
    Version: 99.1
  3. Balystik
    Version: 99.1
    Hey man, how do we install the last patch? I downloaded the .zip and there is ANOTHER zip inside wich appears to be the actual 99.7 version, so I'm really confused right now... wich should I put into my mod folder? Thanks in advance.
    1. ThaOneDon
      Author's Response
      replaced the file in the link (deleted the duplicate one inside)
  4. SeniorFight
    Version: 98.6
    Very nice modpack, I would recommend also adding some of my mods, like the MM Upgrades, just to extend even more the gameplay, and my horizontal doors mod.

    Very good job ;)
  5. pear2323
    Version: 98.5
    This mod is great but i have question are there mods here that have
    an incompatibility with multiplayer, my friend and i have the entire mod pack but it seems we cant connect over LAN.
    1. ThaOneDon
      Author's Response
      Post anything you have in the error log in Discussion
  6. StompChop
    Version: 98.5
    Well done mod pack for either roleplay or just as a pure game expansion. I can only wish there were more servers hosting this.
  7. Daedalous
    Version: 98.2
    celebrating 300 updates ^^ best modpack ever
  8. MartinSkopje
    Version: 96
    Nice mod file with alot of mods in it acctualy.
    Glad i found one , keep up the good work pal.
  9. josefdarks
    Version: 96
    bueno no entiendo lo que hace este mod pero mejora la mecanica de mi juego asi que le doy 5 estrellas
  10. Alissonex
    Version: 95.2
    WOW the best modpack thank you
  11. OrbitalChili
    Version: 95
    Sorry but I have to voice disapproval with what looks like an inexplicable purge as of version 95.

    What made all the prior versions great was that this compilation didn't merely combine all the raw downloads from those mod pages and stick them in one folder. It actually tweaked them for inter-compatibility so one would not have to debate between fairly popular mods. That, and putting what from the original source may have been an extensive directory into a single .pak ensured stability when dealing with that many mods.

    On top of all that, it was modular. People could and did leave out some of the mods included and the rest alone worked just fine. What's accomplished is saving 10MB of a user's bandwidth in exchange for serious comparability issues in keeping up with the updates to this and the mods that used to be included.

    Maybe the mods excluded aren't universally "necessary" or "vital" for every single user, but I don't think that's the optimal goal to achieve. There are shades of grey between "superfluous" and "great/necessary" mods and at the same time a fine line between what are "absolutely necessary mods" and "just get the More Screen Resolutions if you have a monitor with an esoteric pixel ratio - play it vanilla otherwise".

    In the same way that one of the first recommendations one would give to a modder of Skyrim regardless of what particular preferences they may lean towards was, without exception, "Get SkyUI and download SKSE" - the first thing I would have told anyone as of yesterday what to do about modding Starbound was "Check the S3r1ous Mods Collection and then search around". You're work is really that pivotal in my opinion.

    Now, I'd still recommend it, but with a paragraph's worth of additional links and considerations.

    And on the implicit labeling of certain mods as not an "absolute necessity", not including Mysterious Stars is suspect, BlockTable Plus is highly debatable at best, but excluding CLeF is the most obvious eyebrow raiser. Of the previously 23 mods in the collection it was arguably the most vital of them all for anyone who would want to supplement or alter the vanilla experience in any substantive/non-aesthetic way.

    So is the collection as is bad? Of course not, but it's much worse than what it was about 15 hours ago in my opinion. You anticipated that there would be disapproval to this version, so I hope you consider this review not a disparagement of your entire work or the collection as-is but as an appeal from one of those users as to why that disapproval exists. Just information and perspective to consider. You certainly don't have to mod, and I'm not entitled to the fruits of your labor or to demand how they be harvested.
    1. ThaOneDon
      Author's Response
      Yeah and i agree with everything whats said.
      I`m not interested in debating for days what mod to cut or not. Since this is just pack of what i personally consider needed.

      So i did it all in one fell swoop and cut it down to essentials according to what i consider to be mods that fix the most important aspects of Starbound.

      To me keeping it focused and on track is more important than fixing compatibility between mods. Thou it is one of the goals down the line.

      I think we achieve that anyway since authors keep fixing compatibility on their own once either i or they get reports as result of using this collection.

      In fact i can tell you straight up, last time i stumbled upon massive compatibility issue (Frackin Universe), it was fixed as soon as i reported it. I haven`t personally modified ANY files with my own fixes, since authors always seem to be really proactive at solving problems right away.

      Take it as you will.
  12. CrystalCharlie
    Version: 93.1
    Thank you so much for compiling and updating all these awesome mods. Had a bit of a Hodor moment when I didn't realise I had to unpack the file but now it's all good!
  13. lehamiteh
    Version: 91.1
    Keep on the awesome work
  14. darkpigi55
    Version: 91.1
    good modpack
  15. LordMao
    Version: 90
    Hi, first of all great work to keep this modpack updated all the time. I just tested all the mods with our Nitrado Server and a few mods causing a crash or impossiblity to connect the server: btablep, itembc, mstars, uucraft, ysc.
    1. ThaOneDon
      Author's Response
      Yeah thats why i took off from descriptions guarantee that its multiplayer friendly. You will have issues in MP. Its unavoidable unless i get team to test thru every scenario anyway.
  16. Gargomail
    Version: 90
    A fantastic collection of fantastic mods! Very happy seeing that it's being updated rather frequently, however, i did have but one concern:
    Is there anything i can do to stop my inventory from filling up so fast? I have so many containers, like, so many. It's at the point where i spend a good 30+ minutes sorting through all of my crap.
    Like is there a compatible mod with, say, bottomless containers or something ?
    Other than that, 5/5,
    1. ThaOneDon
      Author's Response
  17. Daedalous
    Version: 90
    Works Perfect...Best modpack 10/10
  18. Fc1981
    Version: 89.1
    Great works
  19. Daedalous
    Version: 89
    Best mod collection ever 10/10
  20. rachierawrs
    Version: 88
    Great selection of mods, all up to date with PG.
    Can't imagine playing Starbound without them.