<--- you should totally click that
Have you ever read the text at the top of the Medical Station menu? I know I haven't! The text claims says you can craft potions using it... I wonder what kind of potions we can make using it?
there are no potions in vanilla Starbound
Which is why I decided to make...
it actually isn't the reason why but it sounds better if I say it is
The Shattered Alchemy Mod!
It's a brand new way of crafting items inspired from Shattered Pixel Dungeon! Simply find an Alchemy Pot (pictured below) in any random chest around the universe, place it down, and start experimenting!
This mod introduces 68 new items-- and those are just the ones I actually bothered to count! Wow!
But how does one get all these wonderful items, you might ask?
Well, it's simple! Google it, do you honestly expect me to include a step-by-step guide on how to... Just toss any 3 Alchemy Seeds into the Alchemy Pot, press the button, and OH MY GOD THE SEEDS VANISHED AND THERE'S SUDDENLY A POTION IN MY INVENTORY AM I BEING HACKED OMG AHHHHHHHHHH
To answer your questions, yes, you are being hacked, thank you for noticing you just made a potion (if you actually read the thing labeled "But how do I get all of these wonderful new items?")!
But that's not all you can do with seeds, try mixing some with a potion! Try mixing one with a potion!
Try mixing that potion with a potion! Try actually using the potions instead of mixing them like some weirdo drinking the potions!
Who knows what they'll do? Something good? Something bad?
Did... did you just kill yourself with a Potion of Toxic Gas? AHAHAHAHA! OH MY GOD, THAT'S actually kinda depressing. What did you think you'd get when you put a seed called 'Sorrowmoss' into it? The seeds description literally says it's poisonous! If you mixed a Sorrowmoss and two Sungrass's thinking it'd cancel the venom, then you're just giving me way too much credit.
Next time, throw the potion made from poisonous seeds at your enemy. Nerd.
Watabou - Pixel Dungeon
00-Evan - Shattered Pixel Dungeon
EmissaryOfInfinity - Shady Merchant
LiquidAppleJuice - Inventory Bag Slots
Aegonian - Invisibility Script/Time Events
( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=850109963
https://community.playstarbound.com/resources/elithian-races-mod-a-starbound-expansion.3019/ )
Q: can I join a vanilla server with this mod installed?
A: if you want them to ban you, yeah!
Q: Is this mod compatible with Frackin' Universe?
A: yes
Q: why do you talk so much? this post is very long :c
Q: can I join a modded server with this mod installed?
Q: can I join a modded server with this mod?
Q: hello?
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- Do not alter or redistribute the assets included in this mod.
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Shattered Alchemy! v8.6.3
Potions, Elixirs, Brews, and more!
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- Player gets best bag at start Mar 2, 2022
- featherfall icon fix Feb 3, 2022
- Adjustments to item price Dec 16, 2021