Hi there, skywind08 here...
with another of my mod update, but this one is a compilation of requests from the discussion thread and a few new ones...
thanks to Manjaro, Exonar, Dangester, RianmakeR, LvsrsRedDragon, and Nheptos for suggesting some new songs (which is hard to find) to me, because I have added those requests and I am sorry if I can't find all of them. But regardless, enjoy what I find...
And this is my first time having a 4 files in one song, if you want to play it, I recommend playing with a band.... (It will sound better)
Here are the changelog:
- Ah! My Goddess - My Heart Iidasenai, Your Heart Tashikametai (Drum)
- Ah! My Goddess - My Heart Iidasenai, Your Heart Tashikametai (Guitar)
- Ah! My Goddess - My Heart Iidasenai, Your Heart Tashikametai (Support)
- Ah! My Goddess - My Heart Iidasenai, Your Heart Tashikametai (Vocal)
- Arslan Senki Fuujin Ranbu - Tsubasa (TV) (Support)
- Arslan Senki Fuujin Ranbu - Tsubasa (TV) (Vocal)
- Dragon Ball Z - Cha-La Head-Cha-La (TV)
- Fairy Tail - Dragon Slayer
- Fairy Tail - Erza vs Erza
- Fairy Tail - Erza's Theme
- Fairy Tail - Mahou Taisen (Drum)
- Fairy Tail - Mahou Taisen (Lead 1)
- Fairy Tail - Mahou Taisen (Lead 2)
- Fairy Tail - Mahou Taisen (Support)
- Fairy Tail - Mystogan's Theme
- Fate Stay Night - Kizuna
- Fate Stay Night - Kodoku na Junrei
- Pokémon XY&Z - XY&Z (TV) (Support)
- Pokémon XY&Z - XY&Z (TV) (Vocal)
- Re Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Paradisus Paradoxum (TV)
- Samurai X - HEART OF SWORD ~Yoake Mae~ (Drum)
- Samurai X - HEART OF SWORD ~Yoake Mae~ (Support)
- Samurai X - HEART OF SWORD ~Yoake Mae~ (Trumpet)
- Samurai X - HEART OF SWORD ~Yoake Mae~ (Vocal)
- Sora no Otoshimono - Fallen Down (Support)
- Sora no Otoshimono - Fallen Down (Vocal)
- Sora no Otoshimono - Hitori ni Shinaide
- Sora no Otoshimono - Ring My Bell (TV) (Slow)
- Sora no Otoshimono - Unknown Song
- Sora no Otoshimono Forte - Ai wo Ageru
- Sora no Otoshimono Forte - Goodbye, My Friend
- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun - LEVEL 5 -judgelight- (TV)
- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S - sister's noise (TV)
- Gitaroo Man - Resurrection (Short) (Drum)
- Gitaroo Man - Resurrection (Short) (Guitar)
- Gitaroo Man - The Legendary Theme (Acoustic ver.) (Lead)
- Gitaroo Man - The Legendary Theme (Acoustic ver.) (Whistle)
- Rewrite - Hinagiku
- Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World (Support)
- Hatsune Miku - Tell Your World (Vocal)
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skywind08's Anime Music Pack 2.2
965 Japanese-related songs for your adventuring days.