One of the things that irritates me is that my crews keeps sticking themselves on the teleporter all the time, which inspired me to create this mod despite of my really tight schedule. Now your crews are much more active than fiddling with your teleporter! (probably because your crew and the other bois at 2am are looking for BEANS). This mod is for you if you don't like your crews looking like canned sausages. The current state is stable but still, it is imperative that you backup your saves before you start using this mod. If you happen to find a bug, please provide a link to your starbound.log file, trust me, it'll benefit the both of us. I'll work it out on the best available weekend I got.
This is my first mod btw, go easy on me.
Simply extract the contents at the mods folder of your Starbound Installation Directory.
New Spice:
For the changes to take effect, just drive your ship on another planet since the time resets every time the ship is driven on another place.
- Smart Crew is now running independent of the wander behavior.
- Lots of fixes.
- Much improved behaviors.
- More anchor items.
Please note that crews will return to their default behavior if you're ship is not orbiting anything, which the mod is heavily dependent on. As far as I know, time doesn't "run" when your in the middle of space.
- Improved crew behavior which makes them not hang around teleporter while on the ship.
- Ship Crew members will actually "work" on certain items on ship depending on their role.
- Internal schedule system so ship crew members will not always be anchored on the item they're assigned to.
- Chemists, Engineers, and Mechanic will sometimes fail at their "experiment" so you might see them explode and do minuscule amount of AoE damage. They also work hard so they sweat... a lot.
- Outlaws and Soldiers will now patrol an area in your ship during certain times. You needed that security after all!
Anchor Items:
If you happen not to have these items on your ship, don't worry! they will find random objects to hang around instead!apexoven, campfire, floranstove, kitchenstovetop, medievallargecookingpot, microwave, nanostove, outpostcookingtable, outpostmicrowave, rusticoven, stationtradesignfood, woodencookingtableapexcoolbookcase, apexcoolshelf1, apexcoolshelf2, bunkerdisplay2, bunkerpanel1, bunkerpanel2, fossilstation, microscope, outpostsmallmonitor, refinery, stationhologram, blueflask, greenflask, redflaskapexconsolekeyboard, apexcoolcomputer, apexcoolserver, craftingfurnace, inventorstable, stationdisplay, stationtradesignelectronics, outpostsmallmonitor, wiringstationhylotltrashcan, poop, trashbag, trashcanapexconsolekeyboard, apexcoolcomputer, apexcoolserver, craftingfurnace, inventorstable, stationdisplay, stationtradesignelectronics, outpostsmallmonitor, wiringstation, apexconsolekeyboard, apexfuelhatch, apexcoolcomputer, apexcoolserver, mechcraftingtable, outpostsmallmonitor, railcraftingtable, stationdisplay, stationtradesignelectronics, tier3switch, tier4switch, wiringstationapexcoolbookcase, apexmedsign, apexbloodbank, apexbrainjar, apexpod, apexpod2, bunkerpanel1, bunkerpanel2, capturestation, craftingmedical, microscope, planttorturedevice, prisontorturebed1, prisontorturebed2, stationmedscannerapexconsolekeyboard, apextorturebed, gunchest, barrelgoldfilled, medievalmap, outpostsecurityconsole, outpostsmallmonitor, screenplanet, stationtradesignweapons, stationhologram, targetdummy, woodencrategoldfilledapexconsolekeyboard, gunchest, medievalmap, outpostsecurityconsole, outpostsmallmonitor, screenplanet, stationtradesignweapons, stationhologram, targetdummyapexcoolchair, craftingwheel, mannequin, heartforge, holidaycraftingtable, hylotlfashionhologram, hylotlpainting1, hylotlpainting2, wiringstation
Test List as of [7 March, 2020]:
- Vanilla ✓
- Chef Crewman ✓
- Datebound ✓
- Earth's Finest ✓
- FU ✓
- Geek's Crew ✓
- Hunter Crewmembers ✓
- Nonuniform ✓
Other Compatibility Notes:
- This mod should be compatible with other mods that doesn't conflict with the crew behavior.
- Will expand compatibility list as long as you provide me a mod to test it against.
Future Features:
- More behaviors and refined reactions. (Currently working on)
- As for the long term, I'll create an in-game UI. (On lowest priority right now)
Others and Feedback:
- I'm open to suggestions as long as modding scope allows it to.
- Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1732808640
- GitHub: https://github.com/MetaMoRpheXx/SmartCrew
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Smart Crew 1.3.5
When you don't like your crew moshing on the teleporter making ya'll look line a canned sardines.
Recent Updates
- Anchors and More! Mar 14, 2020
- Behaviors! Oct 25, 2019
- ~ Bug Fix Jul 14, 2019