PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES BEFORE RATING! I would like a chance to fix problems, and rating my mod low because of a fixable issue is a dick move. Saying my mod "didn't work" and rating it 2 stars doesn't help me, or anyone else. Thanks.
Code:============================================================ SPACE EDITS By Lazarus78 ============================================================
NOTE: Because this mod alters the star generation, the community megathread for coordinates WILL NOT WORK. The coordinates are not the same!
Code:============================================================ Description: A simple mod that does a few things. 1. Rename stars to match their real life official classification names. - White = Class A - Yellow = Class G - Orange = Class K - Blue = Class B - Red = Class M 2. Slightly increase the scrolling speed of the universe star map. 3. Decrease star desnity of the sky while on planets and in space. 4. Made the space clouds more transparent as to see the stars better. ============================================================ Legal: Ask for permission. Simple. ============================================================ Thanks To: ChuckleFish - for Starbound and making it so modable. ============================================================
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Space Edits v4.2
Making the universe better since... like, last Tuesday or something.
Recent Updates
- Housekeeping Update Jun 14, 2016
- Small Update Dec 21, 2015
- I can see! Jun 9, 2015