Space Pirate Captain Harlock Mod Pack 1.2
**Last known good version** Enraged Koala
{{{{ by Kid Skeletor and Terrible Tom of the Hitchhiker Bros }}}}
"At the end of their lives, all men look back and think that their youth was Arcadia. "
THANK YOU so much for downloading this Captain Harlock Mod Pack!
This Mod includes:
- Replacement for human ships, The Space Battleship Arcadia (Classic Green Model) for all NEW Human Characters!
- adds 2 Ship Lockers
- Replaces the Pilot Chair with Captain Harlocks Throne and Wooden Steering Wheel
- Craftable 4 Legendary armour sets, including:
- Captain Harlock's Eyepatch (includes Harlock's Hair), Harlock's Cloak (back), Harlock's Chest, and
Harlock's Pants.
- Tochiro's Hat (includes glasses and grin), Tochiro's Cloak (back), Tochiro's Cloak Top, and Tochiro's Cloak
Bottom. (Alternate Tochiro's Hat with Mr. Bird, and Glasses alone).
- Queen Emeraldas' Top, Emeraldas' Skirt, Emeraldas' Hood (head), Emeraldas' Cloak (back).
- Maetel's Top, Maetel's Skirt, Maetel's Hat and shawl (head).
- Also includes Space Pirate outfit, Top, Pants, and Head wrap. Comparable to Tier 1 Racial Armour
- Cosmo Percussion M78 laser pistol, and the Cosmo Dragoon (a more powerful custom Pistol). Craftable at the "C" menu!
- Two versions of the Gravity Sabre, modelled after Harlock and Emeraldas' favourite swords!
- 3 new haircuts, one for Males modelled after Tochiro, and two for Females, modelled after Maetel and Emeraldas!
- Replacements for the Chucklefish Logo (replacing the fish with Harlock, instead of a chuckle, the Crew chants his
name) and the Loading screen with the famous Captain Harlock Jolly Roger!
[Excerpt from The Captain Harlock Character Guide]
"The year is 2977. mankind has become complacent and stagnant. All work is done by machines, while humans spend all
their time on entertainment. But when a mysterious invader from the stars catches Earth unaware, only the Legendary
Space Pirate Captain Harlock and the crew of the Arcadia have the will to stand against them.
Captain of the Space Battleship Arcadia, Harlock feels disillusioned with the Earth and his people, and has left to
seek his destiny in the Sea of Stars (what we less bombastic folks call "space"). He has not forsaken his home, nor
completely lost hope in humanity, he merely seeks a higher standard. Those who choose to accompany him aboard the
Arcadia are bound by no oath beyond the promise to fight for their own beliefs. His priorities lie in personal honor and
duty to his conscience above any sense of prescribed duty to the State; an Objectivist or an Anarchist, depending on your
point of view (though Harlock also has a healthy disdain for the indulgent rich and cares far too much for the welfare
of others to really qualify as an Objectivist; indeed, in hoarding the food stolen form the earth government, he is
essentially doing their job for them by safeguarding the future of earth's citizens). While an historical pirate fought
only for personal wealth, Harlock's status as a pirate is earned by his defiance of the system."
By installing this mod you will have access to:
- "The Space Battleship Arcadia" Ship replacement! Allowing you to travel the Galaxy in freedom and class! Sail the
sea of Stars under the Jolly Roger, and let no man decide your fate but yourself! Includes 2 ship lockers, and a
Fuel hatch with 4000 capacity! Replaces the Pilots Chair with Captain Harlock's Throne and wooden Steering Wheel!
- Compatible only with NEW human Characters.
- "Captain Harlock's Armour Set" Mod which allows you to craft the Space Pirate Captain Harlock's Legendary armour!
Including his hair and eye patch, his suit, and his cape. This armour is comparable to the Tier 8 racial Armour
set! You will be able to craft from your "C" menu the entire set! Including:
- Captain Harlock's Chest: Health - 270, Defense - 160, Warmth - 45
- Captain Harlock's Pants: EnergyRegen - 5, Defense - 70, Warmth - 20
- Captain Harlock's Eyepatch: Energy - 270, Defense - 100, Warmth - 25
- Captain Harlock's Cape: Convert's Light to Energy 20 per tick
COST FOR EACH PIECE: CHEST - 40 Fabric, 800 Pixels, 50 DuraSteel Bars
PANTS - 35 Fabric, 400 Pixels, 20 DuraSteel Bars
CAPE - 35 Fabric, 500 Pixels, 10 DuraSteel Bars
EYEPATCH - 35 Fabric, 800 Pixels, 30 DuraSteel Bars
- "Queen Emeraldas' Armour Set" Mod which allows you to craft the Space Pirate Queen Emeraldas' Legendary armour!
This includes her Suit Top and Skirt, as well as her Hood and Cape. This armour is comparable to the Tier 7 racial
Armour set! You will be able to craft from your "C" menu the entire set! Including:
- Queen Emeraldas' Top: Health - 220, Defense - 120, Warmth - 35
- Queen Emeraldas' Skirt: EnergyRegen - 5, Defense - 50, Warmth - 20
- Queen Emeraldas' Hood: Energy - 220, Defense - 70, Warmth - 20
- Queen Emeraldas' Cape: Convert's Light to Energy 20 per tick
COST FOR EACH PIECE: TOP - 40 Fabric, 800 Pixels, 35 Steel Bars
SKIRT - 30 Fabric, 600 Pixels, 20 Steel Bars
CAPE - 30 Fabric, 500 Pixels, 10 Steel Bars
HOOD - 30 Fabric, 400 Pixels, 10 Steel Bars
- "Tochiro's Cloak Armour Set" Mod which allows you to craft Tochiro Oyama's Legendary cloak! A special armour that
is known to stop bullets! This is a set that no self respecting Space Pirate should ever be without! This armour
is comparable to the Tier 7 racial Armour set! You will be able to craft from your "C" menu THREE new Legendary
armours! Including:
- Tochiro's Cloak Top: Health - 220, Defense - 120, Warmth - 35
- Tochiro's Cloak Bottom: EnergyRegen - 5, Defense - 50, Warmth - 20
- Tochiro's Hat: Energy - 220, Defense - 70, Warmth - 20
- Tochiro's Glasses: Energy - 150, Defense - 50, Warmth - 20
- Tochiro's Cloak(Back): Convert's Light to Energy 20 per tick
COST FOR EACH PIECE: CLOAK TOP - 45 Fabric, 800 Pixels, 30 Steel Bars
CLOAK BOTTOMS - 25 Fabric, 500 Pixels, 10 Steel Bars
CLOAK - 25 Fabric, 200 Pixels, 5 Steel Bars
HAT - 25 Fabric, 600 Pixels, 25 Steel Bars
HAT with Mr. Bird - 25 Fabric, 600 Pixels, 25 Steel Bars
Glasses - 25 Steel Bars, 600 Pixels
- "Maetel's Armour Set" Mod which allows you to craft the outfit worn by the Galaxy Rail's traveller Maetel as
Legendary armour! The perfect way to traverse the Galaxy in style! This armour is comparable to the Tier 7 racial
Armour set! You will be able to craft from your "C" menu the entire set! Including:
- Maetel's Top: Health - 220, Defense - 120, Warmth - 35
- Maetel's Skirt: EnergyRegen - 5, Defense - 50, Warmth - 20
- Maetel's Hat and Shawl:Energy - 220, Defense - 70, Warmth - 20
COST FOR EACH PIECE: TOP - 45 Fabric, 800 Pixels, 35 Steel Bars
SKIRT - 25 Fabric, 400 Pixels, 10 Steel Bars
HAT - 35 Fabric, 600 Pixels, 20 Steel Bars
- "Space Pirate's Armour Set" Mod which allows you to craft the outfit worn by the Crew of the Arcadia! Allows you to
look the part of the Space Pirate! This armour is comparable to the Tier 1 racial Armour set! You will be able to
craft from your "C" menu the entire set! Including:
- Space Pirate's Coat: Health - 20, Defense - 10, Warmth - 5
- Space Pirate's Pants: EnergyRegen - 5, Defense - 10, Warmth - 10
- Space Pirate's Headwrap: Energy - 20, Defense - 10, Warmth - 10
COST FOR EACH PIECE: COAT - 50 Fabric, 200 Pixels
PANTS - 40 Fabric, 100 Pixels
HEADWRAP - 20 Fabric, 150 Pixels
- "Cosmo Percussion M78", and "Cosmo Dragoon" Laser Pistols. The most common side arm in the year 2977 is the Cosmo
Percussion M78, a laser pistol introduced by the Illumidas after their invasion of Earth. Tochiro Oyama managed to
steal and customize 4 pistols, creating the ultra powerful Cosmo Dragoons. One is carried by Harlock, Emeraldas, Maetel,
and Tochiro himself. This mod will allow you to craft each gun from your "C" crafting window!
- Cosmo Percussion M78: DPS - 30 Rate of Fire - 2.00 Damage per Shot - 15 Energy per Shot - 1
- Cosmo Dragoon: DPS - 80 Rate of Fire - 1.00 Damage per Shot - 80 Energy per Shot - 4
COST FOR EACH GUN: PERCUSSION - 20 Steel Bars, 500 Pixels
DRAGOON - 20 Durasteel Bars, 800 Pixels
- "Harlock and Emeraldas' Gravity Sabres" These swords are the favorite weapon of the Space Pirate. This mod includes
both Captain Harlock and Queen Emeraldas' models. Only a sword at this time, updates will include projectiles with this
sword mod, since these weapons double as a Gun blade. This mod will allow you to craft each sword from your "C" crafting
- Emeraldas' Gravity Sabre: DPS - 1000 Swing Speed - 1.67 Damage per Swing - 600
- Harlock's Gravity Sabre: DPS - 1333 Swing Speed - 1.67 Damage per Swing - 800
COST FOR EACH GUN: EMERALDAS - 20 Steel Bars, 1500 Pixels
HARLOCK - 20 Durasteel Bars, 2000 Pixels
- "ChuckleHarlock" is a replacement mod that changes the Chucklefish logo to one that includes Captain Harlock's face
instead of the fish, and rather than a chuckle the crew of the Arcadia Chants his name! The Loading screen has been
replaced by the Captain Harlock Jolly Roger. The music during the Character Selection screen has been replaced by
the Captain Harlock Overture from the 1978 television series. This mod also adds the Overture AND the Song of the
Wandering Boat (the song chanted by the Crew) into the song bank of the game, allowing these songs to play while you
are down on any planet Biome! Now you can explore the Galaxy in Epic Style!
- - - HOW TO INSTALL - - -
Simply Unzip this file directly into your "mods" folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\mods
(You could also Unzip the file elsewhere and then copy+paste the files into your Mods folder.)
- - - HOW TO UNINSTALL - - -
Delete mod folder from Starbound\mods
- - - HOW TO USE - - -
All you gotta do is open your Crafting window (Hit "C" key),
and all craftable mods will be available!
Tochiro Oyama, Captain Harlock, Queen Emeraldas, Maetel and all related characters (C) Leiji Matsumoto
- Terrible Tom Pereira
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Outdated Space Pirate Captain Harlock Mod Pack 1.2
Sail the Sea of Stars as a space pirate! Adds the Battleship Arcadia and various Capt Harlock themes
Recent Updates
- Space Pirate Captain Harlock Mod Pack Enraged 1.2 Mar 4, 2014
- Space Pirate Captain Harlock Mod Pack Enraged Feb 26, 2014