This mod currently adds a way to collect, transport and store liquids in a practical way
1) Extract the downloaded .zip
2) Copy the extracted folder into your Starbound/mods directory
The main object of this mod
They connect with each other and machines and can be used to transport liquids
Stores up to 250l of a liquid (thats a lot)
Blue = input
Orange = output
Filled with water
Empty (or almost Empty)
Interact with them (E) while not holding a wrench to get Infomation about its contents
Interact while holding a wrench to instantly break it while keeping its contents
WARNING: Breaking it with anything else will make it loose its contents!!
Place it over a liquid and activate it using E (while not holding a wrench)
It will output the liquid at the orange spot at the top.
You do not need to place it directly above the liquid, pump pipes will go down until they find liquids.
Will output any liquid from the system that is pumped into it.
Activate it using E.
It cleans acid and transforms it into clear water.
Use it now as im planning to make it produce a waste product during the process (maybe nuclear waste that could be made into fuel rods?)
The main Part of this mod is the Pipe Api which allows me (and others) to easily create new machines using pipes.
All of the Items can either be crafted by hand or at an Anvil(or similar device)
To-Do list:
Purificator: acid->water
Liquificator: Magmarock-> Lava, Slime->Acid, Ice -> Water
Water+Lava in a Boiler->Steam
->Steam fuel cells (Ship fuel)
Steam powered machines
Different varieties of pipes (wired pipe,sorting pipe, etc.)
Special Thanks:
Skizot: For his amazing pump texture
Team Pioneer: For support during development
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Steambound Furious Koala
Fluid Transportation, Automated Machinery, Steam Energy
Recent Updates
- Fixed download link Jan 26, 2014
- Hotfix for Furious Koala Jan 26, 2014
- Purificator Jan 17, 2014