it is a super awesome mod when i look at it but i cant open it when i download it isnt a file
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Survivalist Mod 0.925 Broken Lantern
- 2/5,
- 5/5,
This mod is amazing. Even worth downgrading the game. The feeling when you value each piece of coal desperately trying to survive is... undescribable.
I hope the modder will continue his work after the full game is out.
Thanks for you hard work, mate! -
- 5/5,
I totally agree! my jaw dropped when hunger disappeared from the game... And I too hate the childish hats and what not. I just end up trashing 85% (maybe more) of vanity I find... I don't think I would mind the silly hats as much if they were an extra on top of already established amazing ones. And there are STILL no Hylotl or Human villages... Food was basically rendered 99% useless... I keep hanging on though; hoping they will bring back hunger, and/or polish the farming and survival aspects of the game. I love the potential of this game and I am definitely hooked.
- 5/5,
I actually liked this mod so much, I got it in working order again, updated the mods that came with it and even added a few that I personally liked to it such as Avian Feathers, Character Creation Mod (for custom characters), Platinum Override, and the Kemono Race (To test custom races, working and tested). I can also add more custom races if people desire. Just have to tell me which ones you want. It's not hard to add custom races to the mod. It's just time consuming. If anyone would like a try at my update to the mod, the download is below. I will be adding to and updating this when I can, but that link -SHOULD- always bring you to the newest download file.
Please keep in mind, this isn't an official update, nor do I claim credit for the mods, just the work to update them. This game has an awesome modding community and I simply love what they do. Thank you for all the wonderful things you create for us! <3 -
- 5/5,
When will you submit newer versions of this mod? it looks awesome
- 1/5,
As soon as I saw this mod I really liked and I wanted to put, put, and when loading a mistake MonsterException I don't know what to do I hope you will fix it. here's what that error:..:
StarException: An error occurred during loading: MonsterException:
Error loading monster type
caused by MonsterException: Repeat monster type name
_Function_handler<void ()
I hope you will help what I have written off with errors. I will wait for a reply or a new update. _Viktor_-
Author's Response
The mod is outdated, it clearly says so in the mods description.
- 5/5,
Could some one just take this mod and update it to furious version? This game really needs to be a bit more challenging!
- 5/5,
This is amazing!!! This mod brings out the life and jive of the survival characteristic of the game and is an extremely well worked and kept up-to-date mod and i am REALLY impressed! Great stuff :)
- 5/5,
It's so rage educing but i can't make myself stop playing. It's a good mod that was only made in a month after starbound first released, probably not even a month.
- 5/5,
This makes Starbound more than a game about building strange things and collecting furniture.
Big thanks to you, man! -
- 4/5,
While it does ramp up the difficulty it makes an already grindy game like starbound require a lot more grinding, especially when it comes to survivial points. I found it enjoyable for the first little bit but after finally getting the 750 points I needed for my workbench i found out i need even more for everything else which would require me to just wander around shooting things with my killer bow over and over until I had saved up enough. I think the idea is good but the amount of points you need needs to be signifigantly lowered. (1000 points for the wooden crafting table. seriously?) or the amount dropped by mobs needs to be raised by a lot.
- 5/5,
A superb mod that really makes you play the game much differently. In this case, it's extremely good. The difficulty is pretty brutal, and crafting stuff early on is a pain in the ass, but it gives that "Dark Souls" sense of accomplishment when you finally succeed. I only wish I could use cosmetic mods along with it (Pretty much hairstyles or other races). Regardless of not being able to use Cloud Strife's lovely locks of hair, this mod still gets 5 stars.
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