The Battleship Arcadia Ship Mod 1.2
**Last known good version** Enraged Koala
{{{{ by Kid Skeletor and Terrible Tom of the Hitchhiker Bros }}}}
"At the end of their lives, all men look back and think that their youth was Arcadia. "
THANK YOU so much for downloading this Captain Harlock Mod Pack!
This Mod includes:
- Replacement for human ships, The Space Battleship Arcadia (Classic Green Model) for all NEW Human Characters!
- adds 2 Ship Lockers
- Replaces the Pilot Chair with Captain Harlocks Throne and Wooden Steering Wheel
[Excerpt from The Captain Harlock Character Guide]
"Designed and built by Tochiro Oyama, the Arcadia is the battleship of the Space PirateCaptain Harlock. As its name
(borrowed from the idyllic land of Arcadia) implies, the ship symbolizes Harlock’s life as a lawless man who rebels
against any form of oppression (including from Earth) and who flies under his own flag in search of freedom. Since
Tochiro’s death, his soul resides within the central computer. The ship is alive and it retains Tochiro’s memories
and consciousness, so that it could be considered as a type of cyborg. Besides Harlock, the ship has a complement
of 40 pirates, one bird, one cat, and one robot.
The Arcadia possesses strong heavy armor able to withstand all sorts of missiles and beams. This, in combination
with its overwhelming firepower, allows it to challenge large enemy fleets single-handedly without being at a
disadvantage in overall combat power. The ship has anchor tubes used for boarding enemy ships. The green Arcadia
measures 400 meters long, 260 meters wide, and 158 meters in height (Obviously, the Starbound edition does not
accurately measure to scale). Now armed with three Pulsar Cannons and a more easily aimed Space Buster."
By installing this mod you will have access to:
- The Space Battleship Arcadia Ship replacement! Allowing you to travel the Galaxy in freedom and class! Sail the
sea of Stars under the Jolly Roger, and let no man decide your fate but yourself! Includes 2 ship lockers, and a
Fuel hatch with 4000 capacity! Replaces the Pilots Chair with Captain Harlock's Throne and wooden Steering Wheel!
- Compatible only with NEW Human Characters.
- - - HOW TO INSTALL - - -
Simply Unzip this file directly into your "mods" folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\mods
(You could also Unzip the file elsewhere and then copy+paste the files into your Mods folder.)
- - - HOW TO UNINSTALL - - -
Delete mod folder from Starbound\mods
- - - HOW TO USE - - -
All you gotta do is install this mod and start a NEW human Character!
Tochiro Oyama, Captain Harlock, Queen Emeraldas, Maetel and all related characters (C) Leiji Matsumoto
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated The Battleship Arcadia 1.2
Sail the Sea of Stars aboard the Battleship Arcadia! Ship replacement mod for Humans
Recent Updates
- The Battleship Arcadia Enraged 1.2 Mar 4, 2014
- The Battleship Arcadia Enraged Feb 26, 2014