- Cities
- Added an apartment building to city generation.
- Added a mining facility to city generation.
- Added a temple to city generation.
- Added random loot to the various containers throughout the cities.
- Armor
- Preliminary Draconarius Helmet (T5 manipulator helm) art is in.
- Orcana Skull Mask (Also added to bone biome treasure pool)
- Orcana Anatomy Mask (Also added to flesh biome treasure pool)
- Orcana Anatomy Trousers (Also added to flesh biome treasure pool)
- Objects
- Coral Cabinet
- Orcana Lamp Post
- Orcana Curtain and Curtain Rod Extension
- Orcana Holo-Orrery
- Orcana Hover Pad
- Coral Teleporter added to the 2-Stop Teleshop
- Orcana Conduit Valve
- Marble Door
- Items
- Added Trigon Ball (throwable)
- Added Dirty Gym Socks
- Blocks
- New raw marble block and additional craftable blocks that can be made using it:
- Polished Marble Block
- Marble Pillar Block
- Marble Platform
- Polished Marble Tiles
- Marble Trim
- Sloped Marble Block
- Marble Molding
- Fancy Marble Molding
- Reworked Orcana pillar blocks to use my new advanced column template. (You can now build columns that are wider than a single block!)
- Reworked Orcana platforms to use my new advanced platform template. (Platforms now have finished end caps when they do not touch other blocks.)
- Biomes
- Added a new subterranean biome - Marble Caves - Generates predominately below arctic planets, but also has a chance to generate on other planet types as well.
- Replaced the pufferfish critters in the Giant Coral biome with new Seadrake critters.
- Implemented additional artwork for the giant coral "trees" in the Giant Coral biome.
- Misc
- Added athlete NPCs that spawn in the city amphitheatre.
- Fin options in character customization now have a bit more variety and better delineation between male and female (with some overlap). -Existing characters should be unaffected (I think)
- Integrated The Orcana alphabet. This will allow for some interesting new codices. (Are there any linguists out there that might be able to crack it?)
- Brightened the strip lights. (Things were looking a bit too gloomy for my taste.)
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

The Orcana 1.4.3f
So long, and thanks for all the fish!