Description :
This mod is a work in-progress, Weapons (and hopefully warframes) from Warframe made for Starbound.
I completely redrawn each gun, replaced few with others.
What Does This Mod Have?
- Foundry (Crafting Bench)
Well to start...
- Flux Rifle, Did what I could with limited knowledge to make it look like a continuous beam
- For some reason can't get my armour to display in the crafting bench but it is not a priority at the moment.
- Guns I think may still need tweaking, personlly I am fine with it but I didn't make this mod for myself so I want opinions on the damage.
What's Next?
While waiting for opinions on the damage for the guns I'll be working on the melee weapon update.
Recipes :
- Foundry, Crafted in Inventor's Table
- Everything Crafted in Foundry
Weapon Summary :
They all work, damage is still being worked on till it is balanced...
I am trying to keep the weapons similar to Warframes as in Furis is little higher dps than the Lato or the Tigris is crazy strong compared to the Hek or Strun.
Cost for most the weapons is dirt cheap so anyone can help me test the weapons and give me feedback in the discussions.
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Warframe Crossover V1.05
Cronus Bug Should Be FIXED!
Recent Updates
- Cronus FIx (Sorry) Feb 26, 2018
- I am slowly going insane... Jan 9, 2017
- Bug Fix, Stat Tweaks, and Changes Jan 8, 2017