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WIP: The Viera of Ivalice 0.3.3

The Viera of Ivalice have fled to the stars

  1. altratio
    Version: Protectorate Fix 4
  2. sigint
    Version: Protectorate Fix 4
    This has been a game changer of a mod ever since it first started.. Now? It's a must-have. All the detail and effort put into this mod is top-notch. Can't wait to see how the Male gear sets turn out!
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the kind review and rating! I'm very glad you're enjoying the Viera!
  3. Guilmonex
    Version: Protectorate Viera Fix 3
    Glad you keep working on the mod. Besides, can you make all eyebrows as dark as Rava's? That makes their eyes looks better.
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      It's on my list of things to tweak, don't worry! Thanks for the great rating and review!
  4. HappySchizo
    Version: Protectorate Viera Fix 3
    ...I'm here for the rabbit ears.
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      lol Then you have found quite the ear selection :P
  5. CYKI
    Version: Protectorate Viera Fix 3
    Given how much I adore the Viera race I love this mod and am quite excited for all the content relating to it. Thank you!
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the Viera!
  6. Marinebeast
    Version: Protectorate Viera Fix 3
    Great mod, it's got so much stuff and the Viera fit in pretty well -- after playing multiplayer enough with my girlfriend playing as one, I can't imagine my universes without them. It's definitely set a bar that other race mods should aspire to!
  7. Ashyymo
    Version: Protectorate Viera Fix 3
    Honestly, this mod has spoiled me. I can't play Starbound without this. It's so extensive and well designed. I can't wait for the rest of the checklist to be checked off. Keep up the fabulous work! <3
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thank you so much for the rating and kind words! There's so much more to be added, so keep checking back!
  8. Omgninja64
    Version: Protectorate Viera Fix 3
    Much of the race mods out their lack a sort of content this mod is pushing. The amount of stuff you can make is awesome and the costumes make it an easy 5/5 just for the looks. My character now looks like a mage and has staffs to go along with it.
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the kind review and rating! I'm very glad you're enjoying it!
  9. kyajin22
    Version: Protectorate Viera Fix 3
    Great mod i had it before and i still love the mod, cant wait for more updates.. and for a idea.. could you add chocobos that you can ride? armored ones and plan please.. it would be really cool to be a chocobo knight! lol
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the review and rating! Chocobo mounts have actually already been started, but the ship is currently my focus. Expect to see lots of Chocobo mounts!
  10. Bragma
    Version: Protectorate Viera Fix 3
    Amazing race mod. Comes with furniture and a building theme! I look forward to future updates. I'm hoping to see a ship soon. I saw a sprite for it when you launch into space from the prologue.
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the rating! The ship is still in progress, and hopefully will be soon completed!
  11. than
    Version: 2.3.1
    1.0 1.0 1.0
  12. iMisterX
    Version: 2.3.1
    Best race mod ever, i keep checking the discussion everyday to check for update, but since nobody asked this, i will ask it. If the ship is not finished by tomorrow, can you release a version for the people who don't mind deleting their ship when you are done with it? it doesnt have to be an official release, just a download link in some random place will do the job. Thank you for your work and i hope that wasn't too much to ask!
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the kind review :) Yes, I think I will update with at least a playable version for the release. I'm so glad you enjoy the Viera ^_^
  13. holicnescau
    Version: 2.3.1
    will you update for the release??
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Yes, I'm in the process now. Check in with the discussions section to keep up to date! Thanks for the great review!
  14. Cactuar
    Version: 2.3.1
    Definitely my favorite race mod.
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Glad to see you're still playing, and enjoying the Viera! Thanks for the kind review and rating ^_^
  15. CecilNailo
    Version: 2.3.1
    This is awesome, and my favorite mod so far. I have a suggestion. take the beautiful crystal lantern and put it on the lamp on a stick with the stick looking more Viera made. And I know that wont be done for some time if you do decide to do it. keep up the great work.
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the kind review ^_^ I was thinking about doing just that, actually! Perhaps it will be an upgraded version of the initial lantern. Anywho, thanks again! I'm glad you're enjoying it!
  16. catchkay
    Version: 2.3.1
    Probably my favourite mod, just sad about the lack of extra armours. I think I'm only really feeling it as I've only played this mod post glad giraffe, therefore they have taken out the copper, silver and gold armour. Would there be any way to implement them via the spindle or something? I really wanted that silver set. ^^
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thanks so much for the kind review. I do apologize for the lack of gear for the Viera. I will check to see if my copper, silver and gold armors can still be crafted, and let you know asap, but I do know that the vanilla versions were removed. These armors will definitely be recycled once I wrap up my new armor system for the Viera, as they have been popular gear sets ^_^
  17. Aimlessimp05
    Version: 2.3.1
    this mod is great. Im torn when i decide to play starbound now. I love the new stuff that the nughlty adds but i love playing this race. I cant wait for !.0 so i can play this with the newest stuff.
    P.S. i tried to load it with the current nightly and i got 2 dif errors wone was 3 weapons were not loading right, the whitemage staf, the elementalist staff snd the tier0 sword. the error says it did not exist and the oter one was a specices database error. Not sure what that as but if you do look into it it might help with a possible 1.0 update when its out.
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the great review! Sadly, the Viera are currently not compatible in the nightly build. At the very latest, they will be compatible shortly after 1.0 comes out ^_^
  18. TifaLockheartFFVII
    Version: 2.3.1
    I LOVE this mod (Vierras are the one good thing i liked about FFXII, Vaan kills it for me) but one problem about it... they could use more higher grade armor. The highest the armor would go up to is the ranger (equivelent to Steel armor). Also the wigs only turn gray when you use dyes on them, no matter what color is used, could that be fixed too? Otherwise, it's an awesome mod!
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the rating ^_^ I actually haven't provided dye options for anything beyond the starter clothing, so the wigs are currently white only. I'm aiming to add dye options for everything though. As for the armor, yeah there's not enough. I'm in the process of designing an in-depth gear system for them that mimics the job system of FF. Keep in mind that this mod is still a work in progress.
  19. Budyjoe
    Version: 2.3.1
    Had trouble starting, but found a fix. Macs take work with custom races, but damn is this cool! Now I have Human and this... We need Banga and Moogle...
  20. fail1y
    Version: 2.3.1
    plz make more :>
    1. AmazonValkyrie
      Author's Response
      I will ^_^