Epic so far! love all the designs!
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WIP: The Viera of Ivalice 0.3.3
The Viera of Ivalice have fled to the stars
- 4/5,
I haven't played the mod but it looks fantastic. my only problem is that when i want to download it. for some reason, my computer turns the file into a word document...i don't know why. i seriously don't. but i think it might be because it's a .rar file because this is the first time its happened and its never happened with .zip files. please fix this. i wanna play as a Viera. they look so cute... :-:
Author's Response
Ummm....I really hope you didn't choose to give me a four star rating because you don't have the proper client to open a .rar with. There's nothing to fix, because unlike you, everyone else found/had/searched for a program to extract the files. Examples of such are WinZip or WinRar. And forgive me for responding in such a manner, but I find it very petty for someone to down rate my content just because you couldn't search for the proper program like everyone else.
- 3/5,
good, but make more male stuff. it needs more male. like more clothing, and if your male, the armour looks more fit
- 5/5,
Glad to have the Viera back in the universe! Love the spritework and unique building materials. Can't wait to see what you create next!
- 5/5,
I've been using this mod a lot i was just wondering if it's still being updated?
Author's Response
Yes it is. It will be updated shortly. Watch my discussions tab for further info ^_^
- 5/5,
:D long time not play this game. but can never forget such great mod u made.
- 5/5,
Very good, thus far! I've been playing it more than I have the normal races.
Keep the wonderful work up! -
- 4/5,
Love how much spritework went into this mod, however I think I may have encountered a bug... maybe? I cant upgrade my MM through the tech console... I did all the starting quests, like getting the ship up and running again, and there was NOTHING about upgrading my MM size, mining speed, or liquid collections. Am I... like.. dumb? Or.. did something break?
- 4/5,
Seems visually appealing, however right off the bat i cant finish the first mission because the lantern isn't a flashlight. Is there a work around, or am i missing something? Or do you just have to let that mission stay?
Author's Response
Yeah, I couldn't completely wipe away the flashlight starter quest, or overwrite it with the lantern. The flashlight is sold at Nanzie's (a craftable/placeable shop made at the Viera wood working table) so that Viera can complete the quest, but that's only a *placeholder setup* for it for now.
- 4/5,
A smaller version without the massively bloated file size would be great, but otherwise a pretty good mod.
- 5/5,
please please add a custom ship, we need more content :'>!
Author's Response
Thank you for the great review! I'm actually working on the ship now, and I'm hoping to finish it up for my next big update ^_^
- 5/5,
This is an amazing Mod, really enjoy it. huge fan! Please keep updateing! this is one of the main reasons i came back!
Author's Response
Thank you for the great review! More content for the Viera, including their ship, is on its way!
- 5/5,
Downloaded yesterday, noticed my avali villagers didn't talk, cried, and deleted.
Decided to download again, who needs to talk to villagers anyways, see you fixed silent villagers glitch, cry again.
10/10 would have given up speech for Viera. Keep up the great work!-
Author's Response
Thank you for the awesome review ^_^ I'm sorry that error existed for the villagers to begin with, and I'm very happy that you decided to try the mod again. I hope you're enjoying the existing content! More is on its way ^_^
- 5/5,
Fantastic! this seemed to fix that invisible armor thing i was getting. shop is fixed too. i really wish they would add a follower mechanic that way can take a bunch of them with me.
Author's Response
I'm very glad it fixed the issues you were having ^_^ Yesssss, I'd absolutely Love to create followers for the player character! I'm hoping they do implement this. Anyhow, I'm glad you're enjoying the mod! Thanks for the kind review ^_^
- 5/5,
everything is looking great so far, but I noticed that in Nanzie's Shop, all the wigs are set to 0 pixels and thus unobtainable
Author's Response
Omfg I'm sorry, I'll upload a quick fix!
- 5/5,
Cool lantern Val! Hopefully you can get the Gramophone fixed (even though if you don't spam it then it works alright). No pressure though because you're working hard to deliver great content!
Author's Response
Thanks, L3! Yeahhh, I'll figure out it's issue ^_^ Glad ya like the lantern!
- 1/5,
how can i leave a decent review when half of the armors dont show up? frans les armor shows up bu not the top. none of the valkyrie armor shows i can go on an on
Author's Response
Half the armors not showing up...? Even before the fixes I've made over the past two weeks prior to my last update, none of them involved my custom armors "not showing up." They are craftable, they are wearable, and they *do* in fact exist! Perhaps if you read my overview, updates, and discussions you would've been more informed on where to craft the items and how. Now, There are vanity armors, and only three tier armors that I've custom made, as well as copper, silver, and gold sets, all of which, again, are *craftable*. The only issue I can think of that you might be addressing is my lack of tier armor for the later tiers, due to their placeholder file names recently changing in the *most* recent Starbound update. I've yet to update with a patch for that, because I've been working on other content to add to said update. But the content you see on my overview is *all* in my mod, and all of it is craftable, and "shows up."
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