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WIP: The Viera of Ivalice 0.3.3
The Viera of Ivalice have fled to the stars
- 5/5,
I am a huge fan of FFXII and i love this. Do u think u could do a Grabranth armor mod?
Author's Response
So glad that you like the mod! I *am* aiming to do one of the Judge armors, though I'm leaving that ambiguous at the moment :-P I'll consider Gabranth!
- 5/5,
This is by far my favorite mod for starbound and it only seems to be getting better. Having FFXII and FFTA at the top of my favorite Final Fantasies just made me appreciate this that much more. I cannot begin to express my appreciation for this mod and I do not believe 5 stars is nearly enough. I can't wait for what's to come.
Author's Response
Thank you so much for the kind review! I'm so glad that this mod is serving fans of the Viera and Final Fantasy, well. I can't wait to provide more content to make this race enveloping for all!
- 5/5,
I wonder what it's like to have a bellybutton...
Came here from the brilliant Leia Organa Mod and first thing I did was crawl under the table to pick up my jaw, which had dropped there.
Then I read the roadmap of planned stuff and this time I was quick enough to catch it, just as it fell.
Take your time, this is well worth waiting for. //tapping fingertips on the table, notices jaw has dropped again... when do we get to see the ship already?//-
Author's Response
Thank you for the compliment, and for the kind review and rating, tofu! I'm glad you're enjoying both of my mods! I'm still working on preliminary designs of the ship, which I'll try and post in the discussions thread. I'm excited to finally get to work on it!
- 5/5,
five stars don't come near what you are doing. I love everything you have done so far and can't wait to see the next step. on a side note I think it wound be nice if the gramophone had a list of the music to pick from that would be my only tweak to this beautiful mod you have put together. Oh and can't wait to see the Vierian ship.
Author's Response
Thanks so much for the kind compliments ^_^ Yeah, I really wanted to do that for the gramophone, but it's gonna take me a bit to figure it out >_< I had intended to do that from the beginning, but anyhow, I'm hoping to work that out in a future update.
- 5/5,
I'm enjoying this so far, I even started to build a village! Which lead to a small idea for a potential feature, maybe a Viera NPC spawner?
Keep up the great work!-
Author's Response
Yeah, an NPC Spawner is on my list of things to complete in the next few updates! So glad you're enjoying the mod and building! Don't be afraid to share your buildings in the discussions thread ^_^
Author's Response
Thanks, Ciora! I'm glad ya like the update!
- 5/5,
One of my favorites, great outfits, hoping for the rest of Gear your are going to release, I Would like to know how a 2Mb mod jump it to 146mb o.O. Anyway, waiting for ships upgrades, I really need more storage and techs.
Author's Response
The increase in data is from the addition of all the songs on the gramophone >_< So glad you're enjoying the mod! A new ship will be on its way soon ^_^
- 5/5,
Fabulous outfits and interesting race/lore. I have no expirience in SB modding, but if I can help - just say.
Author's Response
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it ^_^ I'll keep ya in mind if I ever outsource for help :-)
Marcus McDiel
- 5/5,
Awesome mod, awesome looking outfits. And they look pretty nifty on normal characters as well ;3
Author's Response
Thank you! I'm flattered that the silver Valkyrie armor I made is your icon currently :P Glad you're enjoying it!
Author's Response
Thank you for the kind review! I'm glad you're enjoying the mod ^_^
- 5/5,
I love be able to play as Viera. I can't wait until you add Durasteel, Titanium, Aegisalt, Cerulium, Rubium, Cerulium, Ferozium, and Impervium armor tiers to this mod. As well as all the Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics A2 Advance class armor too. I really like the direction this mod is going. I look forward to the future updates. I really appreciate all the work you do on this race mod. :D
Author's Response
I'm so glad you appreciate and Love the mod! I'll be so happy to finally round out the tier armors and the job outfits too! So many ideas, so little time >_< Can't wait to provide fans of the mod with more content!
- 5/5,
it is so amazing. But after i updated my game today i found that i could not find it when i was creating a new role :(
Author's Response
You mean you didn't have the selection to create a Viera in your character creation window? Do you have a character creation extender mod for custom races? That's necessary for using a custom race, so that would be why it's not showing up. Also, mods are now kept in "giraffe_storage>mods" so that could be it as well. I ran into that issue when the game updated for me too lol. Let me know if the issue persists and post in the discussions tab so I can help ya. Hope this helps and that you can get it working ^_^
- 5/5,
Great race mod, but I you could try Improving how the eyes look like.
Author's Response
I've fiddled with the eyes before, but there's not a decent amount of room for the proper detail for full eyes, so I chose to stick with the default one pixel eyes as opposed to having eyes that aren't proportionate. Thanks for the great rating! I hope you're enjoying my work ^_^
- 5/5,
Sweet cherry pie! I had hoped beyond hope you would continue to update this resource, and here it is! Excellent work, as always. Looking forward to being able to build a vieran themed home in the stars with the new construction blocks :3
Author's Response
NayNay! I was hoping you were still playing the game when I posted the update, and I'm so glad that ya are! I hope you're enjoying the new content :-) It's hard to believe that this mod began over a year ago now, and I'm happy to know you're still a part of it.
- 5/5,
Awesome, I have been waiting for this for some time now and its looken good
Author's Response
Thank you! I'm so glad that you like the mod.
- 5/5,
Another amazing and well made Race mod, kept up to date with the newest Stable and as clean of anomalies as it can be, some additions making it even more worthy of trying out wether you want to enhance to look of an existing character or try the race itself, also nostalgic...
Author's Response
Thank you for your kind review ^_^ I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
- 5/5,
this is the only race mod I've seen that changes copper and gold armor
- 5/5,
have to say this is one of my favorite races of all time thank you so much for adding this and i do hope you keep updating so many dont finish what they started but ive seen that there is a recent update great job again man just a fantastic job
Author's Response
Thanks so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying my work! I do admit that I haven't had the most time lately to work on new assets, but another update will be on it's way soon! Thanks again ^_^
- 5/5,
oh my god i cant believe it, I thought you abandoned this
(or was saving it for the update-
Author's Response
Lol No, I'd never abandon it. I just took a little hiatus ;-)
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