Separate names with a comma.
Please delete my account, I no longer use it. Please also remove any stored data you may have associated with this account. Thank you.
Greetings, I kindly ask of you to please permanently delete this account of mine along with all of its gathered information and data stored. Both...
Thank you in advance. Should be a standard feature in the settings though.
Just want my account deleted. Thanks in advance.
Hello, I would like to delete this account due to inactivity. However i cannot find anything Thank you in advance
Thank you!
I would like to delete my account permanently
Thank you! Not sure why you can't add a button in account settings to delete it ourselves...
I can't find the account delete button
Delete my account pls
I am writing to demand that my Chucklefish forum account and all related personal data be deleted/removed. This should be an option in your...
Hi! I would like to delete my account, I am not using this service anymore. I saw it work for others so I figured I would try. A complete account...
thank you.
Hello, please delete my account. Thank you in advance.
Hi, I want to delete my account, as I do not play Starbound anymore. I had awesome times playing this game, thanks a lot ! Kiss XOXO
I have no need or use for an account on this forum anymore.
i do not want this account to exist so i would like my account to be deleted permanently. change my name if possible. thank you.
please delete my account as i do not use it anymore. thank you! :)
I just don't use it at all anymore. I'd greatly appreciate it if it was removed, thank you!