Separate names with a comma.
Drag a PAK file onto unpacker.bat and it will extract it into the unpacked folder under the mod's name. Drag a folder (Folder root contents should...
So I am using smAPI to replace a bunch of textures with my own. I have successfully done it with the IAssetLoader class, using canLoad and Load....
Can you get a unpacked assets file for starbound without extra software..? Are there any already unpacked ones around or is there some built in...
So my server is trying to read a .config file that doesn't exist... This Error began happening once i got mods working Heres everything after it...
I'm submitting a bug regarding a server I'm trying to load with multiple mods. Asked the author and he's not sure of what might be going on. This...
(And here's a free 4th "for" :DD) Hayo everyone, I have a few ideas for new machines using Platonymous's Custom Farming. However, despite being...
Hello there! Unfortunatly im unable to unpack my asset folder. The last time i did it was longer ago. Ive tried everything what could function....
Hi there! I created this thread for getting some help with modding, I know the basics but i can unpack starbound assets for an unknow reason,...
A zipline system. Yet it appears it was never implemented, given that it appears in both 1.2 and 1.3 assets, and I can find no information about...
i unpack the files of the slope blocks form 1.3 and made them into a winrar file.the link is here...
I ran a program to see what has changed since the previous update as far as the assets are concerned (which should be of interest to modders). In...
Newbie modder. I tried googling but couldn't find an answer. So 4 questions, based on the assumption Starbound dedicated server only searches...
I'm currently running a tunngle server that I use for my friends and me, I've had the server itself load the mods through the workshop folder...
Hi, I'm a complete noob when it comes to making my own mods. The only experience I've had with mods is installing them, whether it be through...
When landing on asphalt the game renders that splash animation and noise you get when landing on tar. And not only that .. though not sure .. am I...
Is it possible to generate assets on the fly? Are all assets and configurations parsed only at launch, or can this be refreshed automatically...
Anyone have assets backed up from pleased giraffe? i need them for a mod im working on.