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The game keeps lagging on me with enemies freezing in movement while I can still move and attack them (the damage are combined when the lags...
Hey everyone, I just started playing Starbound this weekend and I'm extremely impressed. However, I'm getting "latency" lag spikes even on single...
I'm running the newest update of Starbound on a mid-2013 Macbook Air. I've noticed that as I've gone further into the campaign, the game will lag...
Hey, So i bought starbound 2 days ago and i'm experiencing lags like i'd had bad latency but in singleplayer. I'm constantly getting 60 fps on my...
hi people, please help us. i have no problems playing starbound on my own, but when me and my friends try to play, everyone but the host usually...
Hello! Me and my friend wanted to play Starbound via Steam Multiplayer but it is lagging. When doing it with other methods (Hamachi, Grappl) it...