Separate names with a comma.
I know it's probably just me being lazy, but it gets really annoying when you're making multiple kegs or bee houses as you have to keep dragging...
I found some monsters in the mine and skull cavern really disgusting and terrifying. can someone please make a cuter version monster mod ? that...
Request is simple, would it be possible to have a mod that lets you marry multiple characters? I dunno how the room thing would work, but maybe...
There is this Program to capture an image of the whole farm the problem is it is unable to use for me i want a Mod to let you picture the whole...
I've seen throught the game that you can improve your relationship status by many ways (Presents, quests, birthdays, etc.), but only a few to make...
hi there! i've been taking a look around, but i apologize if this has already been made. is there a mod to bring back the old keg recipe? just...
You receive a copper bar in your mailbox in the morning, with a hastily scribbled note asking to get it to the Dwarf before 8am. You take it to...
Hello there, I got a (hopefully) relatively simple request. I'd love to have some hoodie and more (preferably masculine) medium hair options in...
Hi! I was wondering if anybody knows of a mod that changes the horse into a bicycle. Ever since I've started playing Stardew Valley, I've imagined...
Title, basically. I want to be able to get back whatever wallpaper/flooring was previously set when I put a new one down. It just doesn't make...
Edit: Thank you BoffoBoy for removing it!! Post is not hard to miss but here is a direct link to it. [LINK] ---- I was wondering if it's...
A mod that simply makes the durability permanent or at least longer. Optional: Make the recipe more expensive as a result. Example. 2 Gold and 1...
Any one know if it's possible to create a mod or is one around to let you save the game anywhere other than having to go to sleep to save had a...
So, I had a thought. It would be really nice to write a reminder to myself, and have it show up on a scheduled day to remind me of something. For...
Just looking for something where I can store all my food in the kitchen, the small refrigerator space doesn't come close to holding all my normal...
So, I'm not really sure how to fix this because I don't know how the hitbox of the sword is calculated, but if possible I would like am mod that...
This is a pretty simple request that is fairly similar to the idea behind the instant-geode opening mod. I want it so that when you are harvesting...
So this is a pretty simple request but may be difficult to implement. I want weapons to auto-swing if you hold down the attack button (like most...
Since I doubt this is ever going to get added to the main game, I figured I'd make a request. This can either be a mod that changes Pierre's...
Could someone re-texture the Grub [IMG]and Cave-fly [IMG] as something that isn't a bug? I have a huge bug fear and its making me not want to...