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Hi All, I have been really enjoying the multiplayer beta so much lately but I really feel like the days are going so so fast! In the single...
I was playing Stardew Valley in Co-Op mode when I suddenly disconnected out of random. I disconnected during an event that was happening at the...
On my multiplayer server I had 3 cabins and 3 people joined. We were playing on it for a while and made a lot of progress. Then my 4th friend...
Two of my friends and I are having an issue with staying connected on our server. When one of us tries to join a server that another one is...
So....this is my first time on this forum and.... I'm having an issue related to joining a server ou even hosting beacause when clicking on...
Getting "Connection failed since last week, cant host or enter others farm. Alrealdy tried to: Disable firewall and antivirus, restart the...
Multiplayer Beta: Bug; My farmhand gave Clint a Copper Watering Can to be upgraded to Steel, but when he went back to retrieve it Clint gave him...