Separate names with a comma.
[IMG] This is a mod for Starbound. It contains an assorted amount of changes and additions to Starbound. Lilly is my cat who is a 12 year old...
Well, the food bowl was removed for 1.2, but I'd quite like to have one for my pet anyway. It adds a nice aesthetic touch, and automation mods...
So recently, I found out that the SAIL Station is what determines the color of your pet. Naturally, I went straight to picking which pet color...
I've been looking for a mod that has different races. not just a mod with one race, like a mod that has ten different races. and mods that have...
I was tinking, there is a way to build a mod that allow to have more capture pods pets out at same time? Like a army of monsters?
I chose the dog thinking it would be useful in some way but all it really does is sit around all day. My suggestion is the pets become more like...
[IMG] Sometimes those capture pods are utterly useless. A new player would get a capture pod, learn how to use it off the wiki, and capture a...
I just started playing stardew valley and am really loving it! however, i was really looking forward to finding some mods to download to it....
So, a while back I did a quest for one of my tenants to get her a pet using the capture pods. I have had the tenant and pet for a some time now...
Hello I am Nas. This thread is a suggestion I thought of for Xbox One, PS4, and Pc Stardew Valley. (Console isn't out globally until Dec 14th)....
Hello I have a suggestion of a dlc for Stardew Valley where you can go and visit Zuzu City (I think that's it) What if you can marry some...
Hey-o! Long time lurker here, but first time posting something. I had some ideas I wanted to share. Tiny Pets I'm not talking about cats and...
currently the pet system is fun but there should be a few new balls to put them in: spike ball: would act like a tether where it hits keeping...
[IMG] Here's my dilemma, Not even a short while ago I accidentally trashed my beloved Large flyer pet (This is not him, The body is right but the...
Hey y'all! I was pleasantly surprised that there was a new style of quest available in my Floran colony just a few moments ago. My Bonesmith...
hello everyone i was wondering if you could help me. namely i'm trying to make a pet food mod, and it works well so far except my cat hates it...
two suggestions. 1. is there a way to change the pet leash length? 2. the poptop song gets cut off when I have a poptop on the pet leash, can we...
MonsterHatch Server based on the Pokemon anime. Version: 1.0.4 IP: The server is not 24/7, it will be on when the owner will be...
So we all know that there are mobs out there that can become temporarily invulnerable whether they're damaged or is part of their cycle. I propose...
So, I made a room on my ship for pets that you can buy at TerraMart. I spawned them in the room but now I want to kill them or move them. Capture...