Separate names with a comma.
This mod works from version 1.3.3 of Starbound. I originally wanted to improve the difficulty on all planets. After defeating the last boss, most...
I don't know where else to put this so for now here it is. Just a random Starbound love story. Hope you enjoy. [MEDIA]
*REQUIRES FRACKIN' UNIVERSE* Well, I say requires, but I'm pretty sure it would be fine without if I made a few tweaks. At this point FU is highly...
on starbound they always get galaxy and universe mixed up. starbound in fact is not an entire universe because the universe isn't just one sheet...
A recent thought I had reading another thread in this forum.... but what about a Black Hole/specifically "Wormhole" star system? Specifically a...
this is a mod where you can shoot ninja stars from your hands pretty cool isnt it??? If you want to use this mod extract the file put it into...
Less Sky+ (modular) -Less stars -Less twinkle effect with the stars -No Space Fog -Constellations -An alternative teleport background [ATTACH]...