☆ The Space Pirates - Scourge of the Stars, Bandits of Mars. ☆

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by The Space Pirates, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. The Space Pirates

    The Space Pirates Group Account

    Welcome to the Space Pirates! As you see, we are currently searching for a nice crew in order to raid the most far away stars... or just drink some coffee together. Whatever your objective is, we will support you. Yarr, *cough*, joining our current team is easy you see. You just fill out that fancy paperwork down below and post it somewhere on the deck and, yarr, thar will be accepted if you be a good ol' chap. That be true, aye. Now read the rest, for thar shall need the info!

    Clan Roleplay Is Back Up!
    Thread Link:

    Starbound Server Status: ONLINE.
    Join the clan, ask an admin for the IP and Password and you are good to go!

    By the way, we have a 24/7 Terraria server from my previous clan, The Adamyte Warriors.
    Server info is located bellow if you're interested.
    Terraria Server Status: (Offline)

    Minecraft server is planned! Who knows when It'll come up?
    (Our Theme Song)
    (Official Space Pirate Forums)
    (Want to pay respects to the Adamyte Warriors? Check here!
    Clan Thread Archive:
    First Thread Ever Created

    And done with the Ranks, time for the rules which you shall follow or die!
    1#. Do not curse with any other words than flogg, scamlet, kielhaul, blast, smitherbeans and flack.
    2#. Respect each other, do not spacetroll or face the wrath of my zapper.
    3#. Be active, be nice, be polite (2#), post descriptive applications.
    4#. Custom curse words are allowed if approved by the higher ranks.
    5#. Please, for the love of bearded Darwin use fair grammar.
    6#. Remember to entertain yourself, or you will get bored and you will be ejected.
    7#. Joining multiple clans is absolutely allowed. Thar be on another ship, but in our hearts one always stays.
    8#. Be active, we don't like... loose ends.

    We actually have a 314+ list of rules that you don't need to read. Call me at 1-800-666-HELL if ye want to.
    Application - Also known as unnecessary paperwork.
    Character's Nickname: (Planned one, that is)
    Your age and gender: (Optional)
    Where are you from: (Optional/Fictional)
    A short description of yourself:
    Why you want to join:
    Steam Name: (Optional)
    Timezone: (Optional)
    Your custom rank description here:
    Will you follow the rules? [Yes/No]

    First off, the most classic fashionably thing called Hierarchy, or in other words... Ranks.
    Everyone gets to choose their custom rank, but only Space Dogs and higher get custom colors.

    -=Ordinary Deckhands=-
    Omni-Punch (Omnipotent Puncher)
    The Starship Wrecker (Ship Wrecker)

    Mr. Falafel (The Grand Duke of Funkadality)
    Bananab3at (Possible Weapon of Mass Destruction)
    Lucid Dreams (Scallawag Spearfisher)
    Antaury (Cookie Taster)
    Hyborean (Time Bandit)
    Thoayix (Deputy)
    DirtyWaste (-Didn't make one-)
    Goken (Seven Pirates)
    Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen (#1)
    Dr. Caesar's Palace MD (Bard of Tents)BenKo (Hard-Koded Killer)
    Drago (SCP-4371)
    Twisted Slinky (Matey Mahogger)
    Loyalsoul (Wandering Pirate)
    Zailiner (#Swag)
    Lizard455 (Sleep Deprived)
    TJ (Engineering Master)
    Riley[avian] and Marie K.[apex]
    Soup.Pirate (Captain Black Beard Of The Ocean Floor)
    Terra (Kinky perv ninja)
    The Doctor (Doctor)
    RogerSwagg (Jolly Roger)
    DMM (Master of Machines)
    Spoider (Spider Flash)
    Jenkins (Keeper of the Dark)
    Doctor Muggy (Creepy Drink Specialist)
    Garvin (Omnipotent Entity)
    Monkeyman442 (Space Monkey)
    Shotgun Steve (Friend Of Pidgeons)
    Azorth (Wandering Hylotl)
    CaptainMcManface (The Ninja Pirate)
    WoxandWarf (Umm..Huh? Didn't see anything in the OP explaining this...:V )
    Vladimir 3.22 (Random name goes here.)
    familyplayer (The Scurge of the Seas)
    Demanter (Handyman)
    Iynsmouth (Eldritch Corsair)
    Geoffrey (that one posh guy in a top hat and a monocle)
    Jeskins (King Of Hedgelings)
    Tbomb (Bomb Lord)
    Debugman (Mysterious Appendage)
    Invaders0 (Boarder n' Hoarder)
    SP Infamous (Death Dealer)
    Slaticus (The Wanderer)
    Monster (Space Leader)
    Stoney (Captain Obvious)
    Woodland (Green Menace)
    Rin (Crazy Floran Who Repairs The Ship)
    Kaizerd (Lord Of Prinnies)
    RubberNuggets (King Of Cosmos)
    Driku (Master Of The Milky Way)
    Cerberus (Aspiring Space Swordsman)
    BlackBottom (Apocalypse Plotting Evil Mastermind)
    LuciferTheBrony (Lord Of Hell, Pegasus Mage)
    JackJacker (Space Janitor)
    Silkthreads (Jungle Lord)
    Armageddon (Oldie)
    Hambro (Orange Enderman Of The Night)
    Slayer (Chuck Norris - When you have him you don't need anyone else)
    Red Wings (Bloody Falcon)
    Big Band (Hypersonic Pressure Wave)
    Aetherus (Orinathi Herder)
    asomness2 (Minstrel)
    Synthetics (Scavenger)
    Garbagio (A pirate from a far away land)
    Redwings (Bloody Hawk)
    thespacephantom (Combat Engineer)
    RustyJ (Rusted Cyborg Bandit)
    Assassin (The Great Batteri'n Ram)
    BenevolentLlama57 (Plundering Llama)
    He_Man (PiggyBack)
    Cazzumz (Lieker Of Mudkipz)
    Scott Piston (Ship Engineer)
    Zizou (Steam Engineer)
    SupaTigaPoo (Space Parrot Enthusiast)
    Vapor Horologium Corpus (Cyborg Engineer)
    MrCreeper123125 (Professional Explosive)
    Nicholas_Rush (Defender Of Core Worlds)
    Ducko (The Stealthiest Pirate Duck in all the land)

    -=The Plank=-
    . . . none as of now.​

    Never forget [​IMG]
    Administrative Positions:
    ☆★ Comea Cosmos ★ ☆(Rank: Clan Leader)
    ☆ Shotte ☆ (Rank: Co-Leader)
    ☆ Arigmus ☆(Rank: Adamyte Champion)
    ☆ Rexxae ☆ (Rank: Primaris Commander)
    ☆ Merch ☆ (Rank: Website Admin)

    Legendary Warriors:(Legendary Member's Get A Custom Prefix)
    Tthing (Rank: Bomb Lord)
    Leinhart (Rank: Invasion Expert)
    jaxter0987 (Rank: Anime Maid)
    Cosmo (Rank: The Pedobear)
    Kirby64 (Rank: Veteran Warrior)
    Sunhawk (Rank: Eternal Hawk)
    RPSangcap (Rank: Veteran Warrior/Expert Builder)
    Zack (Rank: Adamyte Armada General)
    Adam-Yte (Rank: Blood Moon General)
    Verizon (Rank: Sergeant/Thread Editor)
    Chrono-Logic (Rank: Inactive Sergeant)
    Cazzumz (Rank: Sergeant Warrior)
    Surreal Deception (Rank: Sergeant)

    The Dedicated Elites:
    Silkthreads/Haspen (Rank: Jungle Lord)
    Marcus2k11 (Rank: Soundtrack Dude)
    He_man (Rank: Veteran Warrior)

    zblueboltz (Rank: Veteran Warrior/ He jumped away)
    Cosmo (Rank: Veteran Warrior)
    Techno (Rank: Veteran Warrior/Hoster)
    R-110 (Rank: Veteran Warrior)

    Honored Warriors:
    Luffy (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    mariolover531 (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    Loki123 (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    Vampire9 (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    UglyHashBrown (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    Sould Eater (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    KKslida (Rank: Honored Warrior/Pixel Master)
    Pantherium (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    Armageddon (Rank: Honored Warrior)

    Matter497 (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    Cookii (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    tsselle (Rank: Honored Warrior
    Elkiller (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    HealerMage (Rank: Honored Warrior)
    Kolct (Rank: Honored Warrior/Potato)

    Adamyte Warriors:
    Crai0519 (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    drshadowelf (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    Crossfire2 (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    sgtslayer (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    Sam (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    Blueice Master (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)

    orange (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    Jermy (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    Alkar Kooclo (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    Torang12 (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    TheXtopia (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    Ragronak (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)

    Ven (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    Silkthreads (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    SpiffyCreeper(Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    SugarRush (Rank: Adamyte Warrior)
    Demon Guy (Rank: Warrior)
    UglyHashBrown (Rank: Warrior)
    Harry (Rank: Warrior)
    Metakarta (Rank: Warrior)
    Hashbrown (Rank: Warrior)
    DragonSkin (Rank: Warrior)
    Coinboy (Rank: Warrior)
    Wesley (Rank: Warrior)
    TheTadpole (Rank: Warrior)
    Dio (Flamenecros) (Rank: Warrior)
    MassiveGamer522 (Rank: Warrior)
    SugarRush (Rank: Warrior)
    Ryan (Rank: Warrior)
    Hiruko78 (Rank: Warrior)
    tnoy23 (Rank: Warrior)
    Stealthy (Rank: Warrior)
    Vampire9 (Rank: Warrior)
    Beyond Godlike (Rank: Warrior)
    Luffy (Rank: Warrior)
    Tai (Rank: Warrior)
    Saviour (Rank: Warrior)
    Godzillan! (Rank: Warrior)
    PortalPerson (Rank: Warrior)
    PurePanda (Rank: Warrior)
    Maverick (Rank: Warrior)
    Azazelx (Rank: Warrior)
    OmriLock (Rank: Warrior)
    Primal Greene (Rank: Warrior)
    Captain Atomic (Rank: Warrior)
    MegaAK (Rank: Warrior)
    r9310 (Rank: Warrior)
    FlauwePony (Rank: Warrior)
    Sonix (Rank: Warrior)
    Mariolover531 (Rank: Warrior)
    PinkieShy (Rank: Warrior)
    Tanner (Rank: Warrior)
    Lynexia (Rank: Warrior)
    Osiris (Rank: Warrior)
    Dragonborn (Rank: Warrior)
    rix (Rank: Warrior)
    Sokka (Rank: Warrior)
    Milkerz (Rank: Warrior)
    P33kles (Rank: Warrior)
    Benny Graham (Rank: Warrior)
    Sentrick (Rank: Warrior/Sniper)
    NeoPhoneix (Rank: Warrior)
    Jaylar (Rank: Warrior)
    Eater Of Forums (Rank: Warrior)
    Dr. Strange (Rank: Warrior)
    Nezul (Rank: Warrior)
    Forta (Rank: Warrior)
    Five (Rank: Warrior/Panda)
    Hoyster (Rank: Warrior)
    MystRebirth (Rank: Warrior)
    Loendrin (Rank: Warrior)
    Wil169 (Rank: Warrior)
    Contrary (Rank: Warrior)
    Pantherium (Rank: Warrior)
    Alucard Dramear (Rank: Warrior)
    Sybr1x (Rank: Warrior)
    SwiftSteel (Rank: Warrior)
    Dark Fire Wolf (Rank: Warrior)
    ZeoO (Rank: Warrior)
    logo159 (Rank: Warrior)
    creterr (Rank: Warrior)
    kner (Rank: Warrior)
    Goub0(Rank: Warrior)
    Jared (Rank: Warrior)
    NIG...GER (Rank:Niigger)
    Bjoacx (Rank: Warrior)
    elie123 (Rank: Warrior)
    Loki13 (Rank: Warrior)
    Trance Rockston (Rank: Warrior)
    Justin Payan (Rank: Warrior)
    [​IMG]choashismaps (Rank: Warrior)
    Sydronic (Rank: Warrior)
    Drazex (Rank: Warrior)

    Fresh Members:
    MagicPowerPotion (Rank: New Recruit)
    Mr.Anonymous (Rank: New Recruit)
    thecooolguy (Rank: New Recruit)
    William (Rank: New Recruit)
    Demon Guy (Rank: New Recruit)
    Rusty (Rank: New Recruit)
    Sage (Rank: New Recruit)
    Harry (Rank: New Recruit)
    Metakarta (Rank: New Recruit)
    Hashbrown (Rank: New Recruit)
    Kaleb (Rank: New Recruit)
    Spodinkle!!! (Rank: New Recruit)
    Death Bane 2 (Rank: New Recruit)
    Peteah (Rank: New Recruit)
    DragonSkin (Rank: New Recruit)
    Coinboy (Rank: New Recruit)
    Wesley (Rank: New Recruit)
    Rember (Rank: New Recruit)
    Muddy (Rank: New Recruit)
    $ Daniel $ (Rank: New Recruit)
    bryn roughcut (Rank: New Recruit)
    Chaospapercut (Rank: New Recruit)
    He_Man (Rank: New Recruit)
    Tai Wai (Rank: New Recruit)

    Here is our whitelist and blacklist. It be dangerous, but if you wish....
    The Black Mages Of Starbound
    Abol (A Breath Of Life)
    The Starbound Clan
    The Destined Ones
    The Pok Took Clan
    The Official Starbound Raccoon Clan

    ORIGINS - The Starbound Clan
    Bronies Beyond The Stars

    Some Rich Merchant Clan Should Be Here.
    (Main Enemy) Blue-Hair Pirates, scurvy infested dogs. Or just rival pirates.

    Ravenous Space Rat
    By our very own ZOOEY.
    (Credit to Darthkitten)
    (Credit to SolPower)
    (Credit to Ysbry)
    ^Credit to NeKoNeKo
    Le's me.
    (Credit to someone who is bad at signatures)​

    Creepwolf, mallard yeah!


    None Currently

    Yee maid it this far matey, everything from this point down is just bread and butter! Or maybe bread and ale?

    ♠ Lexica Tactum Piratos ♠
    Last Updated 12:21 PM 7/18/2012

    -=General Pirate Code=-
    1. Respect yer crew, be sure not to offend anyone... unless you wann'a dye arr.
    2. You do not get any special position beforehand, you must prove yourself in a battle in order to be considered worthy.

    -=Ways Of Battle=-
    1. Once you get in, you don't get out until your Cap'n or Officer orders a retreat.
    2. Fight to the bloody end, no mercy, no quarter. Be brave, do not fear death.
    3. If you are retreating, destroy everything you leave behind. Let the foe's victory be burned remains.
    5. Use cover. A firefight without cover is as good as lost to you.

    -=Rules Of Duels=-
    1. Kill ye guy who crossed yer way.
    2. While picking a duel, keep in mind that a Space Pirate keeps fighting until the opponent is dead.
    3. If the foe is weak, give it time to get up if it falls. Do not use dirty tricks, keep it fair keep it square.
    4. If the foe is strong, slaughter it before it can get up. Use dirty tricks, use everything, just make sure he is dead.
    Do not let the strong foe rest, kill it. Surprise it. Let your equal burn in hell.
    5. Once defeated, do not accept defeat. Demand a rematch, fight until you win.

    Spray & Pray - Shoot towards the enemy, waste ammo, conserve ammo, just hit the foe and the result should be obvious.
    Burst Fire - Fire in controlled, short bursts directed at the enemy. It conserves ammunition and provides better accuracy with a loss of fire rate.

    -=Advice & Tips=-
    1. Attack is the best defense.
    This may vary on the situation though, for if the foe is stronger than you, it is best to hold on to a nice little
    bunker or encampement until reinforcements arrive. If they don't, ye die. But ye give yer life at a huge price.
    2. If fighting in hand-to-hand combat, it's always good to have the covering fire of a sniper or gunner behind you.
    3. A flexible crew is a good crew. Having a good mix of specialities and weapons is essential, as specially when dealing with
    the unknown. Heavy weapons can utterly annihilate large groups of the enemy, but will easily get outmanuvered by rapid moving foes.
    Light, quick weapons will get blown to pieces by heavy fire.

    -=Spire's Ten Rules=-
    1. If it's angry, shoot it.
    2. If it looks scary, shoot it.
    3. If it has more than two legs, shoot it.
    4. If it has money, shoot it.
    5. If it moves, shoot it.
    6. If it should be dead, shoot it.
    7. If it looks funny, shoot it.
    8. If it's a lad and naked, shoot it.
    9. If it smells, shoot it.
    10. If it moves after all that... run.

    -=The Tinkerer's Code=-
    The path of the mechanic is a difficult one. As one of the elite tinkerers, you are charged with producing and maintaining the equipment your pirate brethren rely on on a daily basis, even in battle. Should you fail, lives will be cost, and they will be solely on your head. But though the weight on our shoulders is heavy, we press on with vigor, and leap into the world of the unknown without fear. There is a code of honor among our tinkerers.
    I. Ingenuity is your life partner. In everything you do, think outside the box to find new and more effective ways of accomplishing even basic tasks. Assume nothing is perfect, and remember that even the most basic tasks can be accomplished with more efficiency.
    II. Knowledge is meant to flow. Should you discover something new and interesting, do not keep it to yourself. Share it with your mechanic brethren, so they might begin experimenting themselves.
    III. Beauty lies within practicality. If a tool is useful, do not alter the way it is made just because its outward appearance does not suit you. Better to have an ugly sniper rifle than a beautiful pea shooter.
    IV. You cannot always expect to remain in the sanctity of your domain. Inevitably, you will have to go into the field with your pirate brethren. When this happens, put your best foot forward and be prepared to use any skills you have -- be them with mechanics or combat -- to accomplish the task at hand.

    -=Laser Rifle's Code=-
    1. Weapons are your best friend. Protect your weapon and it will protect you. Weapons are important. Without weapons, there wouldn't be dead rich merchants. Without dead, rich merchants there wouldn't be money. Without money, there wouldn't be life. Love your weapon, mateys!
    2. For building. The cake is not a lie. It goes well with rooms. Copyright of Spire.. IF THAT BE NO ROOM, MAKE SOMETHING GO BOOM! BUT, make sure the Cap'n's cabin doesn't go boom! 3 decks are a must. Galley is made first, or thar be no food.
    3. For researching. Ye' are a low pirate. Research, resmearch. NO ONE CARES! Only research if it involves loot! If ye' be researching a creature to make it a lady pirate (with boobies), then go ahead mate. If ye' be researching a creature that can be the cook, go ahead. If ye' be researching a creature that will spit gold coins when squeezed, go ahead.
    4. Fer' pirates themselves. All pirates are slaves of the cap'n! Despite this, the cap'n must respect as he wants to be respected. Every crew member is equal, except the cap'n who is a little higher.! Scurvy? Ye' be a good pirate. WE COULD NEVER BE EATIN' FRUIT! PIRATES ONLY EAT MEAT! (beyondhealth.com)

    -=Starbound Pirate Time System (Pite)=-
    The system launches directly at the date starbound was launched.
    It starts with M.X XXX, and every day after the launch a unit is added.
    So it goes on, to M.X XX1 - M.X XX2 - M.X X
    [​IMG] - M.X XX4 - M.X XX5 and so on.
    As a year, or (M= RP for Millenium/Year) M.X becomes M.1, and so forth to inifinity.
    I think Starbound will have a good 5-6 year run, minimal 3-4. So the M. system will work good.
    As for minutes and seconds, earth time is used.
    Pirates will usually use this system to remember a famous raid, or schedule a coded event.
    To code the time, the Captain makes a new representative number. For example, 5 means 3, 2 means 7, and so forth.
    Now this time - M.1
    [​IMG]4 becomes M.6 X18. It's easy, so that an enemy can't easily sniff out the plans...
    It's easily changed, so even if the merchies get the code, they never have the right one for long.
    An alternative mili time measurement is available, it's a (Cos.)
    One Cos = 2 Sec. Example:
    "Arr, ye boardi'n begins in five co's, get ready boys, yo ho ho!"
    [It's pronounced Cos, not "Co-s" as in Steam & Co, but just Cos. As for multiple it's Coss.]
    [SPTS] Format Table (Pit.)
    M.X XXX - X.X XXX
    M.X XXX = M.0 000
    [Coding] Format (Capt. Only)
    _1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0__
    -/X X X X X X X X X X/-
    [Compressed] Format (Quick Fmt.)
    0 = M - 0XXX
    [Common] Ship Codes (Crew)
    Dash Num. 28 Spc. 0
    -Crimson Corsairs-
    _1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0__
    -/6 7 2 0 4 1 8 9 0 3/-
    -Galactic Terminators-
    _1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0__
    -/0 7 5 3 2 6 9 8 1 4/-
    "You might not know, but each time i gaze through the the illuminator of my ship, i get inspired. I get new reason, new hope.
    For beyond my window is a sea of stars, each a blazing sun that illuminates the darkness around them.
    Each blazing ball of pure light is the heart of a bountiful system, a chain of planets with endless possibilities.
    The galaxy is our playground, the universe is our anchor. It is ours to shape, ours to take from, ours to create.
    We are the balance of good and evil, we are the center of it, just like the stars.
    Some stars are dead, and yet they never cease to shine. Their light will continue to flow through space, and so shall we..."
    -Anonymous Buccaneer

    -=Captain's Personal Reutine=-
    The Captain's personal reutine is a group of handy pirates
    that are there to service him, protect him and be together with him at all times.
    It is in a way a bodyguard squad, only it performs a larger variety of services.

    Creates, Services & Customizes the Captain's guns to his liking.
    Steam Pirate usually carries a huge assortment if weapons with him, but he can't carry them all.
    The Gunsmith carries some with him, so that the Cap'n can get fresh ammunition and weaponry in the midst of battle.

    -Honored Guardian-
    Although no better than a member of the Galactic Terminators, a Honored Guardian is an exceptionally good warrior
    that can protect his Cap'n in many ways. Be it slice a head off, shoot a head off, shoot another head off, the HG can do it all.
    If a Honored Guardian isn't enough, the Galactics are called in if the Captain needs lots of protection, usually in large battles.

    -Special Operations Scout-
    The SOS's job is to track & document areas of strategic value, take pictures of the areas (Prt Scn or FRAPS) and send it to the Captain
    or Tactical Advisor. The Scout is equipped with a good, light rifle and light gear so that he may move quickly.
    Included, the Special Operations Scout is better trained and more experienced within the subject.
    To speed up the recon work with taking pictures, the SOS is supported with regular Scouts that take pictures of many areas quicker.

    -Armor Servitor-
    Manages the armor of the Captain, repairing it if damaged, forging new armor if needed, and oiling up rusty leads.
    Nothing else, maybe someone to talk to if the rest of 'em are dead.

    -Tactical Advisor-
    The Captain himself is a great tactician, but sometimes he needs someone to manage the charts.
    Sometimes, the Tactical adviser is so smarty that he becomes the tactician instead of the captain.
    This involves sending recon squads out into the map to sniff out strategic areas so that the Tactie can make us of 'em.
    It's a hard work, but it wins battles.

    -=Pirate History & Lore=-
    For generations, we as a whole, have existed in space. Forever tied to the bonds of whims of the galaxy, and for all that time, pirates have also existed. Many wars against these pirates have raged for almost all the time, and many perish, but some groups of pirates do persist, gaining strength in both numbers and crew. They are able to fight the powers that be better and more efficiently, and crew, we are one of those who persist.
    Forever live the fight.

    -Andy's Story-
    For the longest time i lived on the planet Roak, a fertile planet with a multitude of different cultures. We as avians mostly kept to ourselves and i lived on one of the border villages, we had received many visitors from other lands and sometimes even got some of their technologies, which fascinated me as i was more of a tech-head rather than one of the many worshipers that comprises most of my people, but i still worshiped nonetheless, rather freely by the way, but many of the elders did not appreciate my divided time between my devotions of technology and worship, save for one elder, Regis (He actually encouraged my, shall we say, curiosity of things outside of our culture). Due to the elders' displeasure, i was deemed grounded for all time (a very bad thing in terms of my people). Shortly thereafter, the planet was attacked by an unknown force. I, along with many others, had escaped via a space craft from some passing merchants (they wernt the friendliest of people...), but the ship was attacked before we could fully escape, and (insert intro of starbound here).

    That's all for now, the Lexica isn't exactly complete yet. When Starbound comes out though...

    Aft – The back of the ship.
    Ahoy! – ‘Hello’
    Arr – Yes/That’s great/I agree
    Aye – ‘Yes, definitely.’
    Aye Aye – ‘Of course, I’ll do that now.’
    Bilge – The dirtiest, smelliest and lowest part of a ship.
    Bilge rat – A rat that lives in the dirtiest, smelliest and lowest part of a ship. This is not a nice name to call somebody.
    Black Spotted – A person/animal that has had a curse put on them.
    Blimey – ‘Wow.’
    Booty – Riches that have usually been stolen.
    Bounty – A reward, usually paid by the Government for the capture of a criminal.
    Buccanneer – Pirates, usually from Hispaniola, who attacked Spanish ships in the Caribbean.
    Bucko – Friend

    To show support, remember to give the page a like
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2014
  2. ok
    Fae and Lobo like this.
  3. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    implying it's ok... :rolleyes:
  4. fite me irl
    Fae, Lobo and Arigmus like this.
  5. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    no no jk luf u bbu :whistle:
  6. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

  7. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    1 more day!
  8. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    a 44 hours long day :rofl:
  9. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    Today everyone was sad in school for Paul Warker...
    Lobo likes this.
  10. [​IMG]

    i can't handle all of the ridiculous glee ;~;
    Roxie Stables likes this.
  11. Nixter

    Nixter Void-Bound Voyager

  12. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

  13. Nixter

    Nixter Void-Bound Voyager

    lobo remember what we stood for
    Lobo likes this.
  14. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    YEAH! :giggle:
    I'm all for it!
    Nixter likes this.
  15. Exodus

    Exodus Space Kumquat

    Is the OP better? I can't see it from my mobile device.
  16. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah, this is what happens when you let Zoa do it and not Tora.
    Exodus likes this.
  17. Fillfall

    Fillfall Void-Bound Voyager

    Made exactly 888 posts in the last thread. It's a sign..
  18. Nixter

    Nixter Void-Bound Voyager

    it's that we will last FOREVER
  19. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    oh, 3 eights you say? what does that confirm? :megusta:
  20. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    Oohh.... it's so fresh. I DON'T FEEL BEHIND ANYMORE.

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