it's more of a personal opinion, but anyway.... I know most likely starbound is going to have a crafting system, but i'm concerned about how craft stations will work. One of the few thing i didn't like about terraria was how you just stand near a crafting station and all crafting possibilities pop up in the same window. it kinda mess up things instead of makin em easier IMO. The long list of possible items is so annoying.... i like the minecraft style better, where you click the craft station you want to use and only the items made on that station can be made. What you guys think?
I would rather see a Terraria crafting, its easier. You know when to make something and dont need too place things in order to see if you have enough.
Crafting has been confirmed and from what the dev's have told us is that it's very indepth. You need blueprints to craft certain things you find. Like ammo for a gun you find out in the field which you don't have the blueprints for etc.
It is also confirmed you need to be in a factory/space station to create such items, so besides the easy stuff you might need on the go like torch and etc, all the advanced gear you'll have to produce on somewhere special.
oh i see.... then maybe the crafting in starbound is going to be an all new experience" i like it! ty buddis
It will give a new experience when crafting, now you'll have to worry with all this "gather, manage and then go back to base and produce item" not just place a workbanch and an anvil You're welcome brhuehue brother
Hopefully none of this 'having to be near the right object' stuff. With it being high tech and all, we should just be able to queue it up from a screen. Actually, I would think if we had comm stuff on planet, we should be able to queue up what we want made from the field even and it'll take X amount of time to produce (faster with more advanced tech). That way, we can be out exploring, finding the materials (and depending on how things work) make orders on what we want produced. Or maybe even queue it in advance! IE we don't quite have the materials for Awesome-mech-o-doom, but we will in 15 minutes, so we'll set it in the queue and they'll start production without us having to do anything. Maybe even make certain production items automated? IE, if you fall under 1000 ammo for a certain gun in your mass storage they'll start producing up to 2000 rounds for it (if materials are present) so you don't have to worry about keeping stocked with ammo.