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Closed "A Fair Trade" problem /Bug

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by martanio, Aug 27, 2015.

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  1. martanio

    martanio Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't what happened. I recieved a quest called "A Fair Trade", and I am unable to finish it. I read somewhere saying the quest was removed from the game and replaced with the Chocoholic quest. I would like to continue the game, and start upgrading my ship but I can't continue as it is now.

    Thanks for your help.
  2. PianoPlay

    PianoPlay Space Hobo

    I got a bug with the new Pleased Giraffe [STABLE] update!
    I play on my server with a friend and i had to do the "A fair trade" mission.
    With this update the mission isnt available anymore, BUT i got it in my quest log and i cannot finish it now.

    Pls Cucklefish, find a solution fast :)
    thx <3
  3. Kashmir

    Kashmir Giant Laser Beams

    Make sure the bug is in the first tab of your inventory.

    Edit: Wait, which one is A fair trade? If it's the coffee one, then just ignore this post because I don't know how to help.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  4. TheLastPwnr

    TheLastPwnr Aquatic Astronaut

    Directly before the release of Pleased Giraffe, me and a few others started fresh and, of course, accepted the quest labeled "A Fair Trade," where you must deliver Coffee to an outpost NPC. However, this quest was replaced with "A Chocoholics Nightmare," thus rendering our quest null and leaving it in our log.

    I'd say this isn't an issue, but it impedes progress for me almost entirely. I can run all the "important" quests that allow you to fight bosses and make armor and whatnot, but all the other "side quests" are locked, which means I can never upgrade my ship.

    Any solutions?
  5. rey1119

    rey1119 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm stuck too. I really don't want to start a new character. There's no console command you can use to complete your current quest or anything?
  6. TheLastPwnr

    TheLastPwnr Aquatic Astronaut

    Likewise, that's exactly what I'm asking all of you. I am not against using a console command, I just have no clue what it would be.
  7. dar601

    dar601 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    -this may help w/ the upgrade part, but idk about the quest part, apart from deleting all characters' quest progress, and even then may not help
  8. Savilek

    Savilek Void-Bound Voyager

    I dont can finish "the fair trade" quest after update. I have the item but the quest was deleted in this patch. I finish all the main question but cant continue upgrade my ship because this quest.

    (Sorry for bad english)
  9. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Guys - I just merged 4 threads on the same issue.
    Please use search to see if an issue has been reported already and reply to the existing thread.

    That way if the issue still persists or not can be tracked., and or a solution may have been mentioned in an existing thread.
    TheLastPwnr likes this.
  10. TheLastPwnr

    TheLastPwnr Aquatic Astronaut

    Super sorry, swatelite. Brand new to these Forums, but should have known better from experience on other ones. Thank you for the fix and for being nice.
  11. demonpants

    demonpants Space Hobo

    I'm also experiencing this.
  12. Helena Vinelash

    Helena Vinelash Big Damn Hero

    I'm convincced that A Fair Trade was actually jusst replacced, rather than removed, and as ssuch I have it in my log and cannot at all progressss. I'm effectively progression-blocked. It would be nicce if quesstss that, oncce removed, would automatically vanish, or you could abandon mandatory quesstss, but I alsso would like to know of a fix and am alsso not put off using conssole commands to rectify this patch bug. :)
    TheLastPwnr likes this.
  13. Zeno Drake

    Zeno Drake Lucky Number 13

    One of my friends is facing same issue. Can Cucklefish fix it so she doesn't have to create a new character? She has completed all main quest but her ship is still beginner level just owing to this.
    Can everyone please give us a reply? We've paid for this game and don't want to be stuck all the way by these s*!ts.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    TheLastPwnr likes this.
  14. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    You can manually upgrade the ship as necessary.
    /spawnitem shipT3
    /spawnitem shipT4

    You will be given an item, consume that item to upgrade the ship
    Make sure you upgrade in order so you don't miss any missions it adds.
  15. Zeno Drake

    Zeno Drake Lucky Number 13

    Inspired. Admin mode is also in my consideration to figure out the method to resolve this issue (if there is any 'force finish quest' command).
    But I don't ever think the licence of ship upgrade is also a sort of item. Your instruction really helps.

    Appreciate. I am going to guide her how to use the method.
  16. Zeno Drake

    Zeno Drake Lucky Number 13

    Apologise. The method can upgrade the ship, let her upgrade the ship from tier 3 to tier 4.

    But she said she still cannot accept any further outpost quests (except for main missions which totally finished by her) and tech upgrades after it.

    They must be followed by something else, not only the ship upgrade. Anyway, thanks you for instruction.
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