A Minstrel/Bard!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Flother, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. Flother

    Flother Big Damn Hero

    Pardon me if someone else has suggested this before, following my long list of suggestions which can be found here: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/tons-of-ideas-suggestions.111438/
    I'd really love to see a bard/minstrel in the game, additional halcyon and soothing songs that we can let the bard/minstrel play in exchange for some gold, a few hearts in and he or she will start to tell you stories about the different places he/she has been and etc, and if given enough hearts we will be awarded an instrument of our choice; eg; Ukulele, flute, guitar, harmonica, etc. that we can play whenever we want.
    • Flother

      Flother Big Damn Hero

      Bump. Any feedback?
      • PerkulatorBenny

        PerkulatorBenny Orbital Explorer

        Well, as for the first part (playing songs): it's a bit impersonal but there is a jukebox in the bar that lets you cycle through the soundtrack.
        Stories of faraway lands and such would be a cool way to expand on the world, though. Although I feel like you don't need a minstrel for this. Why not just a regular NPC (either an existing or a new one) that happens to have travelled the world and tells you of what they've seen?
        An instrument... I'm not sure what that would really add to the game. Sure, it might be a fun little thing, but how often would you actually bring it out? What use would it have on your farm or in the town?
        • Flother

          Flother Big Damn Hero

          Well, yes I'm aware of the jukebox in the saloon, but it doesn't live up to that adventure-y/fantasy music that is always appreciated in RPG games. A minstrel of course so it would add that RPG feel, another average npc telling stories without much anything else to do is pretty much useless, also every npc works well with their character and they are already perfect as they are and adding another npc telling stories about their trepidations and treks of different parts of the world wouldn't really be in coherence to their personality if that's what they only do, such is why I suggest adding a minstrel that can have his/her own story and tell them through accompaniment or anything as such. The instrument is of course just for fun, it's not supposed to be useful in any terms, Just a neat little gift upon reaching a specific heart from the npc. This suggestion isn't supposed to be in terms of usage but adding a little aesthetic to the game which can be fun to work towards to. This is also another way of putting that there should be another npc that can play songs for you, that can't be found in the jukebox and the songs are more geared towards fantasy and adventure themed. I should have made that clear in the first post, but nevermind.

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