Hello! I recently had an idea for a mod - and though I'm not too good at modding, I'd like to get the community's opinion on this idea. I may explore it further, or I may not - I really just want to improve and workshop the idea. The mod would begin after the player destroys the Ruin. An NPC - either Dr. Akaggy, Elliot, or a new NPC entirely - would ask the player for help. They would say they went to explore one of the remaining fragments of the Ruin, only to see that the destruction site had been changed. Most of the remaining parts of the Ruin had coagulated into six large masses, and floated away into space. They had at least managed to get a tracker on one of them, but the other five are at large. They suspect that the six masses are all healing, becoming new instances of The Ruin. The first quest would be to get to the remnants of this tracked Ruin Mass. When the player arrives, a Terraformer would be launched down onto the planet's surface with them. The goal of the mission would be to find and activate it - which would turn the mass into a meteor. During the mission, some parts of the Ruin would be sampled, and the scientists of The Outpost would (in a remote location) try and observe how it behaved. They would also say that the five other masses were located in specific galaxies, their exact locations unknown. The player would travel to each of the five labelled galaxies in their own accord, interrogate (talk to) civilians to find the ruin's location, find the terraformer that had been launched onto it, and neutralize the mass. After all five masses are destroyed, the real 'Existential Horror' part of the mod begins. The scientists discover that the ruin can bounce back from death if even one cell remains - the scientists that upwards of 1,000,000 chunks of ruin mass were ejected from the Prime Ruin that had the mass of a baseball. It is impossible to stop the Ruin - it is going to regenerate, and multiply, like a galactic cancer. The scientists split off into two groups because of this, starting two quest lines. The first has some scientists trying to build a machine that can destabilize all Ruin Matter in the universe. In the end, the machine can only force the ruin into states of forced slumber - and with it consuming massive sums of energy, it is unsustainable. It merely delays the inevitable. To help with this, you donate materials and energy supplies to fuel the machine. The more you donate, the longer it can last. The second has scientists on the outpost trying to craft machines that can make the Ruin unable to enter at least a few galaxies, with the hope that at least some life will survive in those small bubbles. To help with this, you donate materials and help experimenting things - whilst also using capture pods to secure populations of animals that can survive when the ruin finally multiplies to the point of universal domination. The scientists estimate it'll take millions of years for the Ruin to make up 1% if the entire mass of the universe - which is the point where non-ruin life will likely die out. So, it unleashes a shadow onto the player's view of the world of Starbound. No matter what they do, all that happens will be rendered for naught. All they can do is delay the inevitable. That's the mod! It mainly is made for fans of cosmic and existential horror, having 6 missions and a good amount of quests. There would likely be no new bosses, but there would be a few more enemy types. Critique, Ideas and anything similar are all welcome!