I made a character named Leo I haven't made a whole profile (age, like or dislikes etc) and to top it all, i'm a newbie modder therefore it takes time to make this character into a npc the story (so far) of this character is this: _ Leo came to town 5 days after you moved in, I can't say anything about his personality right now because i'm the kind of person who thinks that his personality should be logical in terms of what he endured and why he came here; therefore let me just say the things i'm sure about him 1: Leo and Harvey know each other but pretend they met recently when Leo moved in. 2: due to his job and the horrible circumstances he faced because of it, he ran away and moved to Stardew Valley. 3: his name IS NOT Leo, because he's on the run, Duh! 4: the strange scars you see on his face and chest is not only the result of the accident but also the reason he choose to run away. for now, it's just these ........................................... if you have any tips regarding modding like what to avoid or what needs to be done first, WELL, LET ME KNOW PLEASE! p.s: the goddamn hand(sorry, i'm not a good artist), I try my best to make it look a little less, freaky
this feels really generic and bland. maybe you should consider making him a little more original by giving him some agency and allowing him some human traits? the story of the poor misunderstood clever boy who is running away from a shady business that is doing shady experiments is very tired(both the version where the clever boy is the experiment and in the version where the clever boy did the experiments because he did not realize what he was doing was wrong) maybe consider instead trying to find a place in the existing story of stardew that could use some shoring up and possibly have him contribute there? surely a town with a lot of fishing options could use a fisherman or a marine biologist or even just an enthusiast? or possibly if you want him to know harvey why not make him a pilot or a real doctor? someone who someone like harvey would actually want to talk to without playing heavily on his one line about understanding mortality and the responsibility he has in deference to it, heck if you are adamant about making him a doomed hero then why not try a more unique take on it? give him a complex that only he partakes in and that you, as an outside viewer, can see? show his delusions and persecution complex for what it really is and enjoy the show? there is so much potential to make a good character here!
shit..................... you're right i'll try my best to come up with a better story, for now, i'm going to focus on making the art better and also...... that shity hand!
well, fixed his hand now i'm going to draw different expressions hopefully I get to finish in the next two or just tomorrow see ya
well, tried to make a sprite (no sprite= no npc) but thankfully I was successful, weeeeell, i'm going to be busy making different sprites and portrait for our dear Leo! ps: I wanted to include crossed arms to his sprite but then I thought, well nobody walks crossed arms to a place, hands in the pockets, yes but crossed arms..... no
haha, yeah though i must confess it is because i made that character when i was a teen of course my clever boy had darker hair and eyes(same colours though) and his scars were less pronounced but even so, hahaha. it was a sad day when i realized there were soooo many versions of him already out there(i wasn't such a clever boy, hahaha) good job on the sprite! it's looking cute so far ^^
well, I made the portraits (just not the portraits related to events because I have yet to think about the story, GOTTA THINK IT THROUGH CAREFULLY!) now gotta draw sprites. ps: I still think his hands are weird...
1. i'm the kind of person who draw or write without asking help (I know a talented friend who can draw with anything but these kinds of things are personal, me and Sebastian are similar in that territory) 2. dollar currency is waaaaaaaaaay expensive for me to buy and and put in a paypal cart which by the way we are banned from the international carts (sighs..... I hate my life) therefore, no options I have... anyways, the drawing isn't that bad, now i'm working on the sprites, then writing and finally on the programming and voila! it's finished! ps: don't say "Where in the maker's goddamn hellhole you live?" the subject is extremely sensitive to me....(sighs)