Hi, anyway this is my first post. technically I joined the forum because I kind of encountered this bug. It is my 1st year in the 6th year of summer and I got a quest from Willy - Catch 4 Sardines.. Not deliver but literally catch 4 sardines. So I was playing the game tried catching for a whole day the next day I tried again about 12 noon in game I tried looking at the wiki maybe I'm fishing at the wrong spot or wrong time or even wrong weather, and the result I am fishing on the totally wrong season, and my thought is why is a spring/fall/winter quest showing up in a summer day? is this a bug? if it isn't are we just doom to fail this quest every time we encounter it in summer?
The quests that you get from your mailbox don't expire, so don't worry I noticed that the quests that you see in the town are based in what you do in your farm, on my crystal farm for example, I never see requests of bring crops for the citizens or fish, It's always a gem or some monster to kill inside of the mines.
As WilliamZ has said, quests you get in your mailbox don't have a deadline. Also, I believe you can delete the quest via your journal anytime - just click on the quest, then click on the little red circle on the bottom left that has a slash through it.
A quest from the Notice Board. I'm kind of the guy who like to complete every quest I can get so.... It's just annoying that I need to fail a quest because it cannot be completed due to game limitation or bug.
Yeah they do sometimes ask for things that are out of season. I'm pretty sure the bulletin board quests are completely randomized. I keep a lot of things saved in chests just in case but if it's wanting me to catch a fish that isn't available I just don't accept it.
Willy send the most annoying requests, like catch a Squid or a fish that you need to try all the day for get it, there's no penalty for the time to expire so don't worry.
You really don't want to get too hung up on those notice board quests; sometimes they're nearly impossible to complete if, for example, someone asks for a fish that only appears in rainy weather and it stays sunny for the duration of the quest (I've failed many a quest that way). Also, to my knowledge the notice board quests are infinite and randomly generated with a few restrictions based on PC progress. You're never going to 100% finish the notice board quests, and there's no penalty for not doing them.