Suggestion A way to allow faster-skip, AI-Fast move and End turn improvement

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Maxdamage A.F, Feb 6, 2019.

  1. Maxdamage A.F

    Maxdamage A.F Void-Bound Voyager

    First for the faster skip, currently if you hold right click, a 2 second timer starts after which the cutscene is skipped, this doesn't work so well on the later end of the animation, a suggest a simple fix, keep the hold right click, but add a second prompt to press Left click aswell to confirm skipping the animation (holding right then pressing left click) for non-mouse gameplay, im sure a 2nd button press is possible somewhere c:

    Next the AI-Fast move, holding down the button to keep it going can be a problem, so why not make it Toggle instead? pressing a keybind enables fast-move, done!

    the End Turn delema, this one is a little less simple, as it comes with 2 issues, one is that buildings capable of creating units have a "turn" and you'll need to manually end the turn in order to skip them, the 2nd issue is that on larger battlefields, especially when you have a lot of spread out units, you might miss one ( and miss its turn ).
    A partial fix for the 1st problem, Skip the buildings turn if it Can't build any units (not enough funds) as far as im aware, there is no way in the game to get more funds mid-turn, so if you run out of money by healing units or using other buildings (making you unable to build any unit in a barracks, etc) then skip its turn, making you not have to manually end the turn!
    For the 2nd problem, its a little harder to fix, a potential i thought of is that when you click on the manual End Turn button, it shows a list of your un-used units (in the style of the lil heads on the Vulnerable/Effective, before clicking confirm! by doing this you see your units you have yet-to-move, if you forgot you built them in the quiet corner of the map last turn.

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