Not sure if its a bug or just wasn't though of, but I'd like to be able to put wallpaper in this hallway so that it doesn't stick out so much and ruin the look.
Definitely, especially with the kid's room! That dinosaur wallpaper does not go with my other rooms at all and I can't get rid of it or put a painting on it or anything! It's a tiny issue but it would be lovely to see it fixed.
Maybe not exactly the fix you guys want, but someone made a mod that replaces that wallpaper with something less ugly. You can't replace it but you can choose which one will go in that spot - I went with the plain wood and it looks fine.
I think that could be an easy fix that CA might change in the future. I think he knows about it. Or maybe it's just super duper complicated and we don't know it. Maybe that wall was supposed to be customized but it's just laughing at us all. Who knows.