Modding Help Adding Addiontal Farmer Sprites

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Chaostomb, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. Chaostomb

    Chaostomb Orbital Explorer

    Hi, I am new to modding and this also happens to be my first post on this forum.

    What I want to ask is how to make the game use any additional sprites that I make for the farmer that is outside of the 125 frames. I made some custom farmer sprites for use in creating my own events and increased the size of the farmer_base sprite sheet to accommodate them. But when I try to use them in an event using either the showFrame command or animate farmer command the game instead defaults to the frame ID1. Also, using showFrame command spits out an error in SMAPI when I try using a frame ID bigger than 125.

    Does this mean that I would need to make an additional SMAPI mod to increase the farmer sprite frame ID count?

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