Modding Help Adding dialogue

Discussion in 'Mods' started by kakkacarrocake, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. kakkacarrocake

    kakkacarrocake Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey guys. Been lurking for a while and was just inspired to start modding Stardew last night. I am trying to overhaul the Wizard and add in a bunch of new dialogue, but i'm running into some problems, namely that XNB_Node is not letting me recompile the edited dialogue yaml into an xnb file. The cmd prompt continues to say "syntax error: unexpected token M" and I can't figure out where the error is., so i need some help identifying it.

    I've narrowed it down to the following dialogue line:

    Sun2: "I wonder if you might be…$1#$q 7/8 Mon_old#I require your assistance, @. Please choose the last ingredient for my charm potion.#$r 7 50 Mon_7#Why not add some spices to make it harder to detect?#$r 8 10 Mon_8#Well, we could ask the forest spirits..." #!String Mon_old: "#$p 7#Strive for mastery in all you do.|You never know where life will take you… unless you are a wizard like me!" #!String Mon_7: "A practical response. But a wise one." #!String Mon_8: "Perhaps you do not have the instincts for this. Still, it is a good suggestion.$u" #!String

    I'm trying to get the Wizard to ask a question that lets the player respond, similar to most of the other npcs in the game.

    I hope this isn't to much gibberish. :)

    PS: I attached my sprite/portrait to this post for anyone to use.


      Attached Files:

    • luciaspade

      luciaspade Space Spelunker

      same question and don't know why...:nurusick:

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