Advanced Crafting

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Burak, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Burak

    Burak Void-Bound Voyager

    With this new system Crafting a little changed.Now weapons crafted with loots.And you cant see item names and damages when crafting.(Sorry for bad sprited loots.I cant mastered making Starbound graphics but Im will)


    Loot 1--------------------------------Loot 2 -------------------Tool-------------------------------------- Relust-------
    [​IMG]Glowstone Bar[​IMG]Radiant Soul [​IMG] Iron Katana = [​IMG]???
    (Heavens Cloud)

    [​IMG]Dark Crystal [​IMG]Alleywood [​IMG]Iron Katana = [​IMG]???(Shiobinua)

    [​IMG]Mithril Bar [​IMG]Spring Dye (no IMG)Leather Vest = ???(Mirage Vest)
  2. merlin.violet

    merlin.violet Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't quite understand, can you elaborate?
    TheEnderman likes this.
  3. Burak

    Burak Void-Bound Voyager

    1-)Monsters or ores drops loot or ores.

    2-)ıf you want craft something you msut craft a low lwel tool to make high level tool(example Iron katana to Shiobinua)

    3-)every planet has differnt loots.

    4-)If you want make High tier tool you must do low lwel tier first(example Gold boardsword need silver boardsword)

    This is jsut a disiplined or more harder crafting.
  4. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    You will also have to find the blue-prints of these weapons, otherwise you will only have an idea of what you want with no idea of how to do it.
  5. Drithyl

    Drithyl Phantasmal Quasar

    Well I'm pretty sure that this is how things work. I mean, you're specifically talking about the crafting of weapons or items, rather than the "furniture" crafting, and I'm pretty sure that you'll need drops or certain special materials to upgrade or make better weapons. I mean, that's the "logical" way to do it, right?
    Burak likes this.
  6. Marsgreekgod

    Marsgreekgod Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think you thinking to fantasy with your crafting

    as a sci-fi game, it's unlikely you will use souls to make things
  7. Burak

    Burak Void-Bound Voyager

    I just see a Lighting Gamepaly of game.I dont know This games Items gameplay,planets.I just do......Something...I dont know Its a non sci-fi or sci-fi?
  8. Marsgreekgod

    Marsgreekgod Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's "soft" sci-fi, most likely.

    But still not at the "use souls for crafting" softness

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