Advanced weapons crafting

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by LethalShade, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. LethalShade

    LethalShade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Why not to create the weapon of our dreams with "pieces of weapons", and a special workshop we could also change the texture (color, pattern, etc.)

    I know this is vague but I want players to be able to make THEIR weapon, which correspond to THEIR style of play (Or at least, if not make it, you can change the texture)
  2. GigaNova

    GigaNova Cosmic Narwhal

    I think you can configure weapons, like editing a RPG (wich is confirmed).

    I dont know if you can make weapons out of parts.
  3. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

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