Well, it does not take even an hour for me, so it may be an issue with your asset_unpacker.exe. Are you attempting to unpack Stable, Unstable or Nightly assets?
If you are on a windows computer - I suggest using this instead http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/updated-asset-packaging-unpackaging-gui-frontend.95468/
If he/she is on a windows computer, ModPackHelper would work just as fine as any other choice. The issue isn't ModPackHelper - I just used it to unpack Unstable assets last night. No, I think it's a problem with the unpacker.exe.
I think so too. I'm going to try completely uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. If this doesn't work, I'm just going to give up. Thanks for trying to help though.
Listen, I know RAM is a kind of memory. Literally "Random Access Memory" but I was trying to simply explain there was a difference between RAM and however much writeable disk space is left.
I'm having a lot of trouble trying to use this tool to unpack my .modpak files. I don't understand why I'm having issues with it now considering that it worked perfectly months and months back, but apparently everytime I try to pack or unpack a .modpack file it just.... it doesn't do anything. I even checked my log files and shows nothing. Is anyone else having this problem? This is the log file, and literally shows NOTHING. So I'm very stumped here, which is frustrating me to no end because some files I'm having issues with are trapped in .modpack format and I have no other way of getting them unpacked ;___; Help!
Yes, it is. Look, are there like, separate versions of the windows 7 modpackhelper? Because after MANY MAAAAANY cpu restarts, I decided to unpack/pack my files using Win64 assets_packer/unpacker.exe the MANUAL way, and it ended up working out for me. By this I mean, are there like separate windows versions for 32-bit AND 64-bit?
No, there is only one file, and it should work with either version. Mind showing me (by screenshot) where your ModPackHelper bat file is located?
Strange... okay, could you upload a screenshot of what the cmd window looks like when you click on the MPH bat file? Also, what system are you running?
Here is a zip containing the screenshots... As well as the pic of my CPU specs I chose to pack FrackinUniverse, which was #8. The moment I pressed '8', nothing happened. It didn't even bother to create a .modpak file I'm on the brink of major frustration here.. I mean, this worked a ton for me before.
Okay, last thing... verify that your bat file is exactly the same as mine. Open it in Notepad (or Notepad++, or anything else as long as it opens text files). Copy the below and paste it in your file. Save it. Code: @echo off :start echo ####################################### echo #### ModPackHelper v0.9b By Dolan ##### echo ############# 2015-02-17 ############## setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set modpak_ext=modpak set modinfo_ext=modinfo set asset_file=packed.pak set asset_unpack_folder=_unpacked Rem Leave this way if you place de batch file in Starbound\giraffe_storage\mods folder Rem Or change with a relative or full path Rem %~dp0 mean current file location set starbound_folder=%~dp0..\..\ set starbound_assets_folder=%starbound_folder%assets\ Rem If script is placed in mods folder so it's the current set starbound_mods_folder=%~dp0 Rem set starbound_mods_folder=%starbound_folder%giraffe_storage\mods\ set log_file=%~dp0ModPackHelper.log Rem Detect OS Rem if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" ( set asset_tools_folder=%starbound_folder%win32\ echo ##### Using Win32 asset_packer ######## Rem ) else ( Rem set asset_tools_folder=%starbound_folder%win64\ Rem echo ####### Your OS : Windows 64 ########## Rem ) echo. Rem Transform relative path to absolute for /d %%D in ("%starbound_assets_folder%") do set starbound_assets_folder=%%~dpD for /d %%D in ("%starbound_mods_folder%") do set starbound_mods_folder=%%~dpD for /d %%D in ("%asset_tools_folder%") do set asset_tools_folder=%%~dpD rem init var set count=0 set choice= rem Define locales set msg_choice=Choice : set msg_choices=Choices : set msg_all=All set msg_back_menu=Back to menu set msg_invalid_choice=Invalid choice set msg_action=Choose action ? set msg_action_assets=Unpack the assets (To start modding) set msg_action_assets_no_pak=Unable to find the asset pak file set msg_action_assets_wait=Please wait... (It could take a while) set msg_action_assets_done=Assets successfuly unpacked to "%starbound_assets_folder%%asset_unpack_folder%" set msg_action_pack=Pack mods set msg_action_pack_no_mods=There is no mods to pack set msg_action_pack_selection=Wich mods would you like to pack ? set msg_action_pack_done= has been packed set msg_action_unpack=Unpack mods set msg_action_unpack_no_mods=There is no mods to unpack set msg_action_unpack_selection=Wich mods would you like to unpack ? set msg_action_unpack_done= has been unpacked Rem Choose the type of action echo !msg_action! echo 0] !msg_action_assets! echo 1] !msg_action_pack! echo 2] !msg_action_unpack! echo. set /p action_choice=%msg_choice% if %action_choice%==0 ( if exist "%starbound_assets_folder%%asset_file%" ( goto :next1 ) else ( echo. echo !msg_action_assets_no_pak! echo. goto :start ) ) else ( if %action_choice%==1 ( for /d %%D in ("%starbound_mods_folder%*") do ( Rem List only folders containing a *.modinfo file if exist "%starbound_mods_folder%%%~nxD\*.%modinfo_ext%" ( set /a count=count+1 set choice[!count!]=%%~nxD ) ) ) else ( if %action_choice%==2 ( for %%F in ("%starbound_mods_folder%*.%modpak_ext%") do ( set /a count=count+1 set choice[!count!]=%%~nF ) ) else ( echo. echo !msg_invalid_choice! : !action_choice! echo. goto :start ) ) ) Rem if no mod folder or mod file if %count%==0 ( if %action_choice%==1 ( echo !msg_action_pack_no_mods! ) else ( echo !msg_action_unpack_no_mods! ) echo. goto :start ) :chooseMods set mod_count=0 set mods_selected= echo. echo. if %action_choice%==1 echo !msg_action_pack_selection! if %action_choice%==2 echo !msg_action_unpack_selection! Rem Choose mods echo 0] !msg_all! for /l %%D in (1,1,!count!) do ( echo %%~nxD] !choice[%%~nxD]! ) echo. echo M] !msg_back_menu! echo. set /p mod_choice=%msg_choices% Rem Check if there is 0 in choices for %%a in (%mod_choice%) do ( if %%a==0 ( Rem if 0 no need to loop on other choices, select all for /L %%j in (1,1,!count!) do ( set /a mod_count+=1 set mods_selected[!mod_count!]=!choice[%%j]! ) goto :next1 ) ) for %%a in (%mod_choice%) do ( Rem if M go back to menu if %%a==M goto :start if %%a==m goto :start Rem TODO : Add non numeric check if %%a LSS 0 ( echo !msg_invalid_choice! : %%a ) else ( if %%a GTR !count! ( echo !msg_invalid_choice! : %%a ) else ( Rem Add choice to list set /a mod_count+=1 set mods_selected[!mod_count!]=!choice[%%a]! ) ) ) Rem if no correct choices reask if %mod_count%==0 goto :chooseMods :next1 echo. if %action_choice%==0 ( echo.>> "%log_file%" 2>&1 echo.%DATE% %TIME% >> "%log_file%" 2>&1 echo !msg_action_assets_wait! call "%asset_tools_folder%asset_unpacker.exe" "%starbound_assets_folder%%asset_file%" "%starbound_assets_folder%%asset_unpack_folder%" >> "%log_file%" 2>&1 echo !msg_action_assets_done! ) else ( for /L %%i in (1,1,%mod_count%) do ( echo.>> "%log_file%" 2>&1 echo.%DATE% %TIME% >> "%log_file%" 2>&1 if %action_choice%==1 ( ren "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!\*.%modinfo_ext%" "pak.%modinfo_ext%" call "%asset_tools_folder%asset_packer.exe" "!mods_selected[%%i]!" "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!" "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!.%modpak_ext%" >> "%log_file%" 2>&1 ren "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!\pak.%modinfo_ext%" "!mods_selected[%%i]!.%modinfo_ext%" echo !mods_selected[%%i]!!msg_action_pack_done! ) else ( call "%asset_tools_folder%asset_unpacker.exe" "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!.%modpak_ext%" "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!" >> "%log_file%" 2>&1 ren "%starbound_mods_folder%!mods_selected[%%i]!\*.%modinfo_ext%" "!mods_selected[%%i]!.%modinfo_ext%" echo !mods_selected[%%i]!!msg_action_unpack_done! ) ) ) echo. goto :start :end If this fails, we'll have to have @Dolan fix it...
I don't care if this is a doubt post atm, I need to get this out here! What I'm trying to explain by this screenshot right here is that, everytime I try to use the Modpackhelper_v0.9b.bat file to pack/unpack something, once it goes wrong, I pay the ultimate price of having these two duplicate processes plague my Task Manager. Before you ask, no, I can't just end these processes. I tried EVERY EVERYYYY way I could to kill them off EVERY WAY, I SWEAR! And no matter what I try and do, these processes just never die off. The only solution to THIS issue, is to restart the CPU, and trust, THAT GETS ANNOYING AND FRUSTRATING AFTER MULTIPLE TIMES OF DOING THAT![DOUBLEPOST=1450224045][/DOUBLEPOST] I do not know how to OPTIMALLY compare the both of them, but based on what I've been doing to compare and contrast (reading back and forth), I can conclude that they are both the same. I remember my computer installing new updates some days ago, hopefully that hasn't fucked with anything. But even then, when I first experienced these super strange issues with the modpackhelper, they fixed themselves eventually after ANOTHER forced Windows Update. Yet, now, all of a sudden its back. I really don't get it.
I just had another idea. Rename your win32 folder and replace it with a copy of your win64 folder renamed win32.
That didn't work... Sigh, I guess that means I'm doomed to suffer this tragic fate forever. Well... On the bright side, while I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME use this method to repack my mods back into .modpak files, I can still use the corresponding way to UNPACK my .modpack files perfectly (Which is strange...). So I guess that means I'll have to live a life without .modpaks. Makes me sad, but hey, that's life, lol.