Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Froggiolis, May 12, 2012.

  1. Froggiolis

    Froggiolis Big Damn Hero

    So heres the idea:
    Each metal that you mine (hopefully a lottt) will have primary and secondary attributes. you can combine certain numbers of the ores, and make alloys! these you can use to craft into weapons and give them specific upsides, downsides, and even special powers of some sort. Alloys would not be required for the crafting of a weapon, but would add things if included. This means the crafting would have to be more like minecraft less like terraria, but maybe there could be an alloy slot when youre crafting a weapon? maybe? let me know what you guys think! This is not very thought out so dont hate yet
    TehEpikMonk likes this.
  2. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    I like the idea of alloys, although there should be a special forge-type block that's required to make them. Alloys (IRL) are often harder, strength, and toughness. Unfortunately, since there's no item durability in Starbound, toughness won't make a difference. However, alloyed weapons could do more damage, and alloyed tools could say, mine harder objects.

    In summary: I approve this idea.
  3. Zaba35

    Zaba35 Phantasmal Quasar

    :D yes!! i love it and you should be able to mix alloys to?
  4. Froggiolis

    Froggiolis Big Damn Hero

    Yeah there is no item durability, but I was thinking maybe items could put you off balance, and make you not able to attack for a few seconds if you miss, or just increase hit chance or something like that. it would kind of mimic durability, but not really.

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